Chapter. 24 Genkai's Temple

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As I woke up saturday morning and I assumed that everything that happened last night was just a dream until I feel something in my hand and look to see the paper with the directions in it, proving to me that the situation that happen last night is indeed real.

It takes me a few days to rationalize everything that happened before I get the courage to go this upcoming weekend. I lied to my parents and told them that I had to go over to a partner house to help out with a school project. They believed me immediately and told me to be safe. I hated lying to my parents and know with everything that's happening they are simply worried about my current state and well-being but I know that it's for the greater good. They can't know about this, any of this.

I had to first take a four hour train to my destination since she lives out in the forest alone and away from any civilization. With the paper in hand I get off the train and walked to the designated location. Once I reach my destination I'm met with a long flight of stairs and groan. This is going to take a while. At least I get to look at the nature that surrounds me of course.

By the time I make it to the very top I'm wheezing. Why are there so many steps. I stood in front of a woden gate and look at the concrete wall that surrounded the place. I open the gate and gasp in shock at seeing a big traditional japanese style home. It looked beautiful. Walking further I see the sliding door is open and decided to peek inside.

"Uh hello, is there anyone here?" I politely ask, not wanting to seem rude.

"In here" A voice says from inside. I take off my shoes and left them by the door. I use my spiritual awareness to find the location of her aura and step inside a living area. I see a small lady with long wavy pink hair sitting in front of a television. Her back is facing toward me so I can't see her face.

"So you're Winter" She states, not turning around. Her aged voice tells me that she's old though I wouldn't have guessed it with her back turned to me.

"Yes ma'am" I bow in respect.

"Just call me Genkai, ma'am makes me feel old" She turns her head to look at me. She gets up from her place in front of the TV and head to the sliding door and takes a seat, giving her a view of the outside.

"Sit down" She gestures to the empty spot beside her. I happily take her up on that offer and step inside. I take off my shoes and place them by the door before I sit beside her. My legs are killing me and feel like they are on fire and on top of that, I know from the feeling of how strong this woman aura is that she can kick my ass if I refuse.

Again, looks can be very deceiving.

"So Koenma sent you here" She questions, though the tone in her voice makes me realize that this is more of a statement than it is a question.

"Yes" I nod in confirmation. "He decided right then and there to recruit me after accidently entering spirit world, said something about my spiritual energy being a bit stronger than the average human"

"Yes I can see why, I can sense the power in you. You have a lot of potential to bring out" She notes.

"Power?, Never thought I had that. I don't know what to expect though" I nervously retort as I begin to nervously play with my hand.

"I will warn you that this road you are about to take will not be easy. Are you willing to make that sacrifice?" She inquires, looking me straight in the eyes. Her aura is solid, unshakable. She is dead serious.

'There has to be a valid reason why Koenma would want me as a spirit detective, right?' I think to myself 'maybe there's more, something he's sees in me that's capable of blossoming'

"Yes I am" I nod, determine.

"My training is not for the faint of heart. You will have to work your ass off in order to get stronger. First thing we'll do is get some food in your system, your energy feels weak and I can tell you haven't been eating properly" She eyes me, noticing my weak state and tired eyes.

"...Yeah a lot has been going on as of recently" I reply, not really in the mood to talk about it. Her brown eyes trails away from me.

"I won't ask. Once you finished eating you will get changed into your fighting outfit that I will provide you and your training will immediately begin. I expect good things to come from you"

I walk outside once I've eaten and changed into my fighting style clothing. It's a chinese style black and white short sleeve tunic, matching black pants and simple black slides. I put my afro in two buns on my head to avoid tangling it and causing any damage to it. Standing in front of Genkai I give her a determined look, signifying that I'm ready to start.

"I see that you're ready. We will start with concentrating your spirit energy into various parts of your body"

My body aches all over by the time training has end. I end up passing out on the ground, trying to catch my breath. I'm cover in scratches and bruises from our fight and she ended up kicking my ass. The whole fight was one sided.

"You did well for a newbie" She comments. I smile.


"But you still have a long way to go. Come back tomorrow. Same time and don't be late"

That next morning I went and trained at Genkai once again. It was just as hard as the last I ended once again being sore. That didn't stop me from going with Shuichi to visit his mother at the hospital that afternoon. Her condition unfortunately hasn't been improving and is slowly on the decline.

Shuichi notice the bandages on my face and me wincing everytime I take a step and asks me if I'm alright.

"I'm fine. I just slept in bed wrong last night and fell off"

He lets the conversation drop. I know he knows that I'm lying. Shuichi is much smarter than that, but I can't tell him about this. There's too much of a risk. I don't want him to be in any danger.

For about the next two weeks  I've been training with Genkai every other afternoon under the guise to my parents that I'm going over a major project partner's house. They don't suspect a thing because by the time I come home by the time they're in bed so they won't see the bandages on my face and body. On the afternoons when I'm not training I'm visiting Shiori at the hospital with Shuichi.

I can feel the questionable glances he gives me when we walk to school in the mornings and is probably wondering what I've been doing lately.

"You seem more tired then usual" He points out as we continue our walk to school.

"I haven't been sleeping well as of late" I shrug. It's only the half truth. I haven't been getting enough sleep.

"Why don't you stay home today?" He suggests. My head quickly turn to look at him.

"But what about your Mom?"

I'll visit her, it's okay, you've done more than enough. Get some rest and conserve some of your energy"

I sigh. "...okay but make sure you keep me up to date about her condition"

"I will" He nods. As silence falls between us, we make our way to school.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now