Chapter. 48 The Deceiver

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The two adults look at Emily, but at the time I didn't know that they couldn't see her like I could due to them not being bless with this soon to be curse.

"Emily dear, we love and miss you very much, we want you to find peace, you don't have to stay here because of us, you can finally move on"

"Yes, we only want you to be happy" Her father added as tears fall from his eyes. I flickered my eyes away from her parents and look at Emily.

"Please, tell them I say that I love them and that they don't have to worry about me anymore"

"She says she loves you too and that you don't have to worry about her anymore" I repeated. I wonder why she dosen't want to talk to her parents directly?. Can't they hear her?, maybe there's something wrong with there hearing. This is all so confusing but if me repeating her words to her parents makes her happy then I'll do it.

The older woman brings me in for a hug "Thank you so much dear, my heart dosen't feel as heavy as before"

"Thank you"Emily's father replied before he and his wife walk away, hand in hand, spirits feeling more lifted then ever before. I look at Emily, who has a content smile is on her face as she watched her parents walk away.

"Hey why are your parents walking away and leaving you her-" I notice the tears falling down her face.

"Hey, don't cry" I said as I give her a comforting hug. She's always so cold but I didn't mind. She was always soaking wet too but I never asked her why.

"These are happy tears silly" She giggled.

"I guess I am silly huh" I happily laughed along with her as we remain hugging eachother. I felt something surging though my body and watch as Emily begin to glow. She notice it too and let me go.

"Wow you're glowing, is this magic?" I question in amazement as the white glow of her body slowly goes away.

"...I don't know" She replied moments later. "It felt nice though"

"Winter, we gotta go!" The voice of my cousin can be heard.

"I gotta go, see you next weekend" I waved.

She waved back with a content yet sad smile of her own "See you then, goodbye Winter, and thank you"

I turned around and run to my cousin, not noticing Emily hand begining to glow a faint white once again as a smile stretched across her face. She soon dissapeared like a whisper in the wind, finally able to move on.

"Who were you talking to?" Nathan asked me once I walked up to him.

"My friend Emily" I reply.

"Who's Emily?" He questioned with a dark brown raised in confusion "cause from the looks of it you were talking to yourself"

I shake my head in denial at his accusation "No I wasn't, she's right over ther-"

The moment I turned around, I stop talking, noticing that's she's gone, as if she's never been there to begin with.

"Emily, where did you go!?" I question in confusion as I look around the empty park for my new friend, but she is nowhere to be found.

"Kids and their imagination" Nathan rolled his dark brows eyes and grabs my hand. "Come on, let's get you home before Aunty Janet and Uncle Andrew get mad at me for having you stay out so late"

The following weeks I didn't see her when I went to the park. I was sad and assumed at the time that she might've just suddenly moved away. I didn't figure out until a few years later with research at the public library and finding a old news article showcasing that Emily Thomas died back in the mid 1970s from accidently falling, hitting her head along the way, rendering her unconscious and drowning in that very ditch I caught her starting in...

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz