Chapter. 26 To Retrieve The Artifacts Of Darkness

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I didn't see Shuichi for the rest of the day in school. During lunch time, I called Mom on the school phone and asked her if she could take me to see Shiori.

"Yes, I'll take you, I'm heading there myself" She says on the other line.

"Thanks Mom"

After school she takes me to visit Shiori at the hospital without a moment of hesitation

"Where's Shuichi, usually he's with you?" Shiori asks me as we walk inside. Mom takes a seat by her.

"He's had to stay after school to catch up on some in class school work" I lie. Even I didn't know where he was currently.

"Alright I hope he doesn't overwork himself. Please take care of him for me Winter"

"I'll do my best" I reply, feeling guilty. I don't even know where he's at now. I don't even know if he's safe. I feel like a terrible person for not being able to keep my word to this kind woman. I went home that day with a heavy heart.

The next day Shuichi still hasn't been seen. I didn't even feel his aura. I am in my fourth hour class which is a Japanese Literature class. Haru noticed my tired form.

"Are you alright? He asks me in concern. I give him a small and tired smile.

"I don't know Haru" I truthfully reply for the first time in a while. My tired eyes glances at the board when suddenly time itself seem to have freeze right before my eyes.

'What the hell?!' I think to myself, noticing no one is moving. Not even the clock on the wall is ticking. Everything is frozen in time. I wave my hand in front of Haru frozen face. I receive no reaction.

"Winter!" A familiar voice calls. I look over to the door that is open and see Koenma floating there.

"Koenma, what are you doing here, what's going on?" I inquire in shock and concern as I get up from my seat and walk out of the classroom. I stand in front of him waiting for him to answer.

"There's has been a new case, three artifacts know as the the artifacts of darkness has been stolen by three criminals from my father's vault recently, they took out the guards and escaped to the living world!"

"Artifacts of darkness you say, that sounds heavy" I reply.

"If I don't get these artifacts back then chaos will insure. Lives will be lost and souls will be taken. You have a week to receive all three of them! Yusuke is waiting outside the school for you right now!" He exclaims in exasperation. With that I run out the school building and meet Yusuke outside the school gate.

"Hey, long time no see" He grins with a casual wave of his hand. I lung at him, catching him off guard as I wrap my arms around him.

"Yusuke, it's so good to see you again" I say as I release him from my grip. Tears begin to fall from my eyes and I let them. It's the beginning of July now and he's been dead for almost a whole month but it felt much longer. I'm just happy that's he's alive and here in a flesh. He places a hand on top of my head, smile softening.

"It's good to see you too, hey why are your tears doing that!?" He freaks out as he watches my tears crystalize as they hit the ground. Instead of tears hitting the ground they looked like small diamonds on the ground.

"I don't know, they've done that since I was eight" I say and wipe away the remaining tears. I pick them up and hand them to him.

"You mind holding onto these for me?, I don't have any pockets to place them" I ask him.

"Sure" He grabs them and places the jewels into his green pants pocket.

"Now that's that's over, where are we headed?" I question.

"Somewhere uptown" He shrugs.

While we run to our destination Yusuke  notifies me of the artifacts we have to get, which so happen to be a sword, orb and mirror. We end up in the uptown area that is full of different markets that sells exspensive things and people around, we're basically in the rich side of town. Yusuke with his hands in his pocket and a annoyed expression on his face looks around.

"All these rich kids, all shopping. How does Koenma exspect us to buy into this mess" He remarks as he takes a seat on a bench.

I sit beside him and shrug my shoulders. "Beats me"

"Some help he was!. We think there somewhere in uptown he said" Yusuke mocks as he places his arm behind his head. I muster up a giggle.

"I will admit he wasn't really good at giving directions" I add.

"Exactly!, and now we have to sit here and wait for something to happen, if something even happens" He grumbles out and closes his eyes.

"Who knows you might end up jinxing us"

Looking up I notice the sky turn from a clear blue to a ominous red. I've never seen something like this before and it filled me with dread. As if a foreboding doom is approaching. I tap Yusuke on the shoulder, getting his attention.

"Yusuke, do you see thaat" I point to the sky.

"Yeah. Feels a little awkward" He simply repliez, looking up at the sky as well with furrow brows.

"Told you so, look now we're jinxed. Take it back right now to undo this" I demand.

"Hey it's not my fault" He retorts.

"Someone call an ambulance!, It's a kid" The panick voice of a pedestrian screams. Follow by another one asking what happen. We get up and run over to the sound of the voices seeing a crowd forming. Pushing our way through we come across a man holding a little boy who is pass out. I witness the light in his brown eyes dim and is overtaken by a empty dullness as his soul leave his body through his mouth and float away in the air. Ths sky turns back blue right after this and I look at Yusuke who looks back at me.

"I thinks that's what they call a lead"

"Defiantly" I agree with him. We scurrie after the poor soul. After turning a couple of corners it leads us to the rundown side of town.

"Hey wait up!" Yusuke screams as we turn another corner. We both pause, seeing a couple of men siting around. Walking cautiously forward we look around for the soul. I start to become uncomfortable from the looks the men are giving me but I ignore them. We stumble upon more men siting on a run down car and crates. We notice one particular guy that stands out from the rest. He looks much stronger and taller than the men here with pale skin, a green shirt and dark pants. I gasp from noticing horns appear on his head, which reminds me of my run in with the demon, Kai. Looking closely I can sense the energy of the artifact in his pocket. It's aura is round giving me a clue to which artifact this one is.

"It's a monster" Yusuke exclaimes, noticing the horns as well and taking out something but I stop him. He looks at me in confusion.

"One of the artifacts, the orb, is in his pocket"

"You can see it?" He questions, incrediuous.

"Not quite but I can sense it's energy and see it's aura" I reply as I keep my eyes on the demon before us.

The demon gets up, stretches and begins to walk away. Yusuke and I look to one another with a look on our faces. Just as we are about to run after him I feel a hand being place on my shoulder. I immediatly tense up from the contact. I don't like to be touche by people I don't know.

"Hey kid you got some you have cash for me?" A guy questions Yusuke as he places a hand on his shoulder as well.

"Sorry major league I don't have time for us" Yusuke replies. Two more guys stand in front of us with malicious grins on their faces. This isn't good.

"Wrong answer but I know some other way you can make up for it" He says as he looks me up and down. I scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"What'd you say girl?" I feel another unwanted hand on my other shoulder.

"No way in hell!" I yell as I immediatly grab that hand and flip the guy over my shoulder. He screams as his back painfully hit the ground. Yusuke smirks, impress and punches a guy in the face. We continue to kick their asses until they are all out cold. We hastily run away from the sight and towards the direction we seen the demon leave. We stop and look around, he's nowhere in sight. I hear Yusuke curse.

We lost him.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now