Chapter. 58 Stumbling Warrior

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"You're just taking our hits" Gina observe as she strike me across the face. Dull and empty brown eyes stared at her as she smirked.

"That's because she's a fucking useless punching bag, I mean just look at her" As a reference Jonathan grabbed me by my purple hair and raised my head up. I don't flinch as he pulls my hair even harder. "She can't even fight for herself and even if she could, we would just beat her ass up"

"True" His girlfriend, Nia agreed as her hazel green orbs flickered from me to her boyfriend as she tinkers with the camera in her hand "But it's getting kinda boring now, she dosen't even cry or makes a sound anymore"

She took a pic of my face and gave me a sickly sweet smile "this should be good for showing around the school once I make copies of it" She sarcastically said "don't you think so Bitch?, You'll look absolutely beautiful on walls and lockers"

I don't react. She frowned and slapped me across the face "at least scream or something"

Lawrence eyes light up in realization the longer he looks at me from his place beside Johnathan "Don't you guys think it's weird how her wounds heal so fast, didn't we just leave a big ass bruise on her cheek like two weeks ago" Lawrence pointed out, brows furrowed in question.

"She could be using a really good ointment" Tay said as Gina nodded in agreement.

"So what now?, she's weak and pathetic looking" Nia sneered as she looked me up and down. She begins to harshly poke my head repeatedly while laughing.

I think to myself 'She isn't wrong'

"Look at the bitch, can't even fight back, you really are weak huh?"

'I am weak, I can't even fight for myself, look at how sad and worthless I've become I don't deserve love, I don't deserve anything but this living hell'

"Hey leave her alone" A voice suddenly called from the other side of the gymnasium. It interrupts my thoughts. I gaze up and see Carla. What is she doing here, wasn't she just upset at me a few months ago?, even though these past few months her actions told a different story, ever since I was able to tell her how she was really feeling just by analyzing her aura in front of everyone in history class I've notice she's been watching me and appearing more and more around me, as if she wants to get closer to me but is afraid too. Her blue orbs glare daggers into my bullies. "Haven't you bullied her enough as it is?"

"Why don't you stay out of this!" Jonathan yelled and was about to walk towards her until Nia stops him in his tracts. He looks at her in surprise.


"We'll go, not like she was worth it anyway" She casually said with a shrug and walked away, shoving against Carla in the process while glaring at her with her crew following behind her. Once they are out of the empty gym Carla averted her attention to me. She jogged towards me and bend down to my level.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked me in concern. I nod my head and will away the blood from my nose with the sleeve of my pink shirt. Upon a closer look of my face she winced.

"Here let me help you with that" She placed a hand in her backpack and pulled out a small box of tissue. She took a few out and handed them to me. I cautiously stared her down, wondering if I should take it or not.

"Here you can have it" She smiled reassuringly, gesturing for me to take it from her pale hand. After a moment of silent hesitation I take the tissues form her.

"...thanks" I muttered as I place the tissue on my nose and lean my head back. This was pretty much routine for me. She remains silent for a moment, not saying a word as she watched me clean myself up to the best of my abilities.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now