Chapter. 22 Yusuke's Service

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"What!?" I exclaim in disbelief as tears threatened to fall from my eyes. Mom looks at me with a look of grief as tears fall from her eyes.

"Urameshi Yusuke is...gone sweety"

I can feel the last bit of me break and shatter. I don't know how long I can bottle up my feelings. This is all too much to handle.

"W-what no that can't be, I just saw him last Saturday. H-how?" I stutter out. My whole body feels numb as my brain struggle to make sense of anything.

"He was hit by a speeding car this afternoon. He risked his life in order to save a little boy from being hit by pushing him out the way in time"

"No!, I don't believe you!" I cry out in denial. The tears build up in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall and wipe them away. This is the downside to crying tears of diamonds, I can't properly cry.

"N-no this can't be true" I refuse to believe that my friend is dead. She hug me tightly.

"They're holding a service for him at his place now. You're father will be taking us there"

That late afternoon Dad drive us to Yusuke home. My head is against the window as I wear a blank look on my face, brown eyes dull as I dissociate. When he stops the car I can see students in Sarayashiki Jr high uniforms. We all get out the car and and walk toward his house. Students make way as we walk inside. By the door I see a girl around my age with long brown hair in pigtails and brown eyes. By her side are two female students.

"Keiko please" One of them beg. The crying girl don't listen as tears fall from her eyes. I recognize her name. Yusuke told me about her, she is his childhood friend.

"Yusuke" She mumbles on the verge of tears and end up breaking down onto her knees. She ends up crying as more tears fall from her eyes.

"No! Yusuke!"

Her grief hits me and I can only look away. I have to remain strong. I can't break down, not now. We walk inside and I see people on their knees. I also see a shrine and a picture of Yusuke. As we scurry closer I look to my left and see a woman with long brown hair and distant dull brown eyes sitting there against the blue and white strip wall. I can tell this is Yusuke mother because they share the same face. Her purple aura hold so much grief and longing for her child to come back only to come to the realization that her child isn't coming back home. A mother's worst nightmare. My mom begins to speak once we are on our knees.

"Yusuke I might have not been your teacher for long. But these past few months have been great and I am so proud to have you as a student even if I had to make a deal with you just to show up to class, I only wish you could've been here still, you had so much p-potential to become something great" She says with a sad smile as more tears fall from her eyes. I take in a deep breath.

"You were one of the few friends I made here. I always knew, felt that you had goodness in you Yusuke so when I heard that you risked your life to save that boy I wasn't surprised. I admire you so much and I'm so happy to have called you a friend, b-but you left way too soon, we still had more games to play. You still have to beat my high score like you p-promised. Why did you have to leave like this" I say in grief. I want to cry, I really do but I can't, not when there's people around to witness my secret. Dad place a comforting hand on both our shoulder as tears fall from his eyes as well. He can see how much of an impact Yusuke left on us.

We walk over to Yusuke mother and bow to her in respect. Mom places a comforting hand on her shoulder and squeezes it in comfort. Yusuke Mom silently brought up a hand and place it on top of hers and suddenly I hear familiar screaming outside. Soon I see the familar face of Kuwabara, accompany him are two of his familar friends trying to hold him back.

Worth Fighting For |A Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama Love Story| UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now