[Intro Arc] His Story

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-You Can Be A Hero Too-

"So... remind me what you all are doing," Izuku Kayama asked his group of friends, who had been coming to his house a lot in the past week. It seemed like they always asked him the same question, and his answer was always the same. "If it's the same question as last time, my answer is..."

He attempted to continue, but his best friend, Hitoshi Aizawa, interrupted him. "Hold on a sec," Hitoshi said, raising his hand to stop Izuku from speaking. "At least hear us out. There's something we want to discuss."

Hitoshi then turned to Momo Yaoyorozu, the group's Mom, or Yao-Yao for short. "Hitoshi's right, Izuku. We understand that you may not have much interest in heroes, but give them a chance. You might be surprised," Momo pleaded, her eyes filled with hope.

"I believe Izuku has every right to have his own opinion about heroes. After all, they seem to be motivated solely by money," Shoto Todoroki, the quiet one of the group, chimed in. The group let out a collective sigh upon hearing Shoto speak, knowing that he would always side with Izuku, regardless of the topic.

Itsuka Kendo, the group's loudmouth, couldn't help but speak out loudly. "Come on, Shoto! Your loyalty runs a little too deep, don't you think?"

Shoto shot back a remark that made Kendo angry, and Hitoshi came to her aid while Momo tried to intervene and stop the three from escalating the argument any further.

Izuku observed the situation with an amused expression, surprised by how determined his friends were to convince him to join the prestigious hero school. He decided to give them an opportunity to demonstrate how the hero society had changed and why they believed Yuuei was better than before.

"I was about to express my thoughts," he began to speak, but their voices drowned him out with their yelling. An annoyed twitch formed on his forehead before he exclaimed, "WILL YOU ALL PLEASE SHUT UP!?"

His loud outburst immediately silenced the group, allowing him to continue, "I acknowledge that your arguments over the past week have been noteworthy, so I'll give each of you a chance to prove to me that Yuuei isn't as bad as you claim it to be."

His friend's eyes lit up with excitement, but their enthusiasm waned as he continued speaking. "I really want to believe that the Hero Society has changed for the better, but I need you to provide me with five solid, well-thought-out reasons why it's no longer filled with chauvinistic pigs. I want substantial evidence, not just off-the-cuff arguments. Take as much time as you need, whether it's days, weeks, or even months. I'll give you until just before the entrance exams."

"Now, please leave and take some time to think about it," he said, gently ushering them out of his house. He let out a sigh of relief and settled into a cross-legged position, eager to gather his own thoughts. However, his introspection was abruptly interrupted by the unmistakable sound of a loud and brash voice, one he knew all too well.

"You're quite the snarky brat, Izuku," a voice called out, making its presence known to the boy. Izuku, with his black hair, sighed and slowly opened his eyes, coming face to face with his 'favorite' familiar, Koyami.

Running his fingers through his hair, Izuku sighed once again. It seemed he wouldn't get a moment to himself today, would he? "Koyami, why are you always the first one to speak your mind? And why are you here anyway? Shouldn't all of you be attending that royal ball you wouldn't shut up about for the past week?"

"We decided to skip it," another voice chimed in, this time coming from his bed. Izuku turned around to see Sasami, the lazy familiar, lounging there.

"Of course, you guys did," Izuku responded, his frustration evident.

Nanami, the shy and youngest of the sisters, stuttered as she spoke, "I-I-I tried to warn them, Izuku-kun. F-Father will be v-very upset with us."

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