Chapter 62: Blissful Feelings

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"Perhaps I underestimated your intellect. Heh, I'll accept this pact, Izuku. But mark my words, you won't have the last laugh. I'll harness both quirks to reshape the world." Rising from his seat, Ashoka strode towards the exit, his declaration resounding.

"Time will be the judge of that, Ashoka."

[Zenin Clan Arc] Blissful Feelings

"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up." - James Baldwin

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Tried all my life, I've tried to find,

Something that makes me hold on and never let go.


Hero too, I am a hero too.

My heart is se-

"STOP!" Jiro yelled, and all the instruments stopped playing. She looked at Itsuka. "Remember, you're supposed to echo that part? Please do not sing it at the same time as me."

"Oh." She flushed. "Right. Sorry."

She let out a sigh. "It''s fine. We had no choice but to restart. Bakugo was speeding ahead of Tokoyami again."

"WHAT?!" Another crash of the cymbals. This was apparently Bakugo's replacement for making an explosion. "NO, I WASN'T! Bird boy, just keep the fuck up!"

"I am keeping rhythm with Yaoyorozu," Tokoyami said haughtily.

"You can't even hear her! She's barely makin' a damn sound with that keyboard!"

Yaoyorozu frowned. "I'm making a lot of noise," she stated forcefully. 

That made Itsuka snort. Why had she responded with such a strange sentence?

"Alright, okay, calm down," Jiro murmured, waving her hands downward. "It appears that everyone is growing fatigued. Let's simply perform a run-through to the second chorus and then call it. Tomorrow, we'll concentrate on the bridge and the final chorus."

As the week advanced. The musical group rehearsed. The concert setup was organized by Ida with the assistance of Shoji. Effects were worked on by the technical crew, comprising of Todoroki, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Uraraka. Mina, Hitoshi, Aoyama, Ojiro, Tsu, and Toru, who constitute the dance crew, rehearsed their performance adequately.

Mina gleefully remembered that she was also imparting dancing skills to them, as she returned from the gym, which she had visited for the third consecutive night. 

Fortunately, Nezu took charge of a majority of her supervisory tasks, and as a result, they were able to finalize the schedule. She remained extremely tired, exceedingly so. Thankfully, Toru and Ojiro possessed great dancing skills, and Tsu didn't require significant preparation. 

However, Hitoshi and Aoyama presented a unique challenge. Ultimately, she assigned them the task of performing the initial portion through an established routine and collaborating efficiently to produce an impressive outcome during the latter half of the musical piece. 

Hitoshi would use his robustness to drag Aoyama with the aid of a rope, resembling a disco ball in motion. The rope became tattered while they were practicing.

'Need to ask someone on the tech crew to go south and get some. Sero, most likely.' Her lower lip twisted.

Since unintentionally offending Ojiro and Sero, for which she still felt remorseful, both individuals have undergone a certain amount of alteration. Ojiro had silently committed to perfecting his dancing skills, and he currently stands out as the strongest contender, second only to Mina. Despite having observed how he would discreetly glance at Toru during performances, she was still impressed by him.

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