Chapter 65: The Future of the Heroes

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"You did so well, dear," the woman murmured. "You did well."

That was the last thing she heard.

[Zenin Clan Arc] The Future of the Heroes

"Genius lives only one story above madness" - Arthur Schopenhauer

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Anticipating Bellion's return, Izuku sensed the opportune moment to personally visit the sisters.

Unanswered questions urged him onward.

He entered the kingdom through a portal, stepping resolutely. Swiftly, his presence was noted, and all eyes turned toward him.

'A turmoil weighs on him,' Hayami mused, delving into his emotions.

With deliberate steps, he moved toward his throne, his silence speaking volumes. Seated now, he crossed his legs and rested his chin on his hand, emanating an air of both ennui and subtle intrigue, his jade-green eyes fixed on her alone.

The unraveling of this conversation could prove distressing for her.

"Hayami, it seems you've held back something from me. Uncovering the truth was inevitable, and your inability to dissuade me suggests you desired this exchange." As he addressed her, the other sisters' presence seemed irrelevant.

"Now, a single chance is yours to be truthful." He signaled with a gesture, settling back, awaiting her response.

Words eluded Hayami. Any response would lead to the same outcome, disappointing Izuku—an outcome she aimed to sidestep.

One might argue that she bore responsibility for not discerning his differences, her past clouding her judgment.

"I was unaware of the complete story behind the Zen'in sword, nor did I know it was meant for you. Yet, I knew of your Zenin clan affiliation and awaited ascension." Hayami's gaze remained low as Izuku's disapproval washed over her, igniting shame.

"That's not the revelation I sought, but good to know you lied about something else, Hayami. Your dishonesty about my power intrigues me."

Caught off-guard, Hayami struggled to breathe. This topic was the one she'd hoped to avoid.

"By protocol, I'm allowed fifteen minutes, extendable with practice. Alas, despite training efforts, I'm confined to fifteen. Occasionally, a tingling at my scalp urges me to surpass this."

Leaning closer, his gaze intensified to a vibrant green. "Look. At. Me. Hayami."

Tears were rare for Hayami, but Izuku's bottled anguish finally made its mark on those around him.

Slowly, she raised her gaze. A tear fell from his right eye, mirroring a drop from her left—a poignant tableau.

"I-I could've aided Kacchan earlier, Eri earlier. There was so much more I could've done, had I more time."

"I-I-I apologize, Izuku-kun! We couldn't risk you meeting Kagekuni's fate. It was the safest choice for us all." Nanami sobbed, her emotions in harmony with her usual state.

"If you truly regret it." The room grew colder, and darker, Zero's shadow encroaching. A temple rub later, Izuku's emotions were inscrutable even to Hayami.

"Release my constraints."


Keiko Midoriya found herself in a state of shock, a profound shock that resonated as one of the most intense emotions she had ever experienced. In the company of Fujimoto Haru and Enmichi Roki, she stood within the confines of the Principal's office.

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