Chapter 74: The Ones Within Us

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"Huh... huh..." she exhaled deeply. Slice's strike on the ship's engine had taken her entirely off guard. She was relieved to have made it out alive. However, the same could not be stated about her phone. It was completely saturated.

'I have no way of warning the others...' she grumbled, 'Whatever those villains are wanting, I need to prioritize everyone's safety!' She determined, leaping up and out, water pouring from the very center of her back.

[Nabu Island Arc] The Ones Within Us

"The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself."Carl Sagan

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Back at the Agency, Keiko let out a deep yawn, having just returned from their mission to find the lost farm animals with Rinko and Habuko. Outside, Roki and Kashiko were conferring with the mayor regarding additional tasks for the aspiring heroes. They were about to find out more...

"The Nijimas are all set!" Mirio exclaimed, catching the attention of his subordinates as he jogged towards them through the entrance.

"Your assistance must have meant a lot to them," Roki acknowledged, acknowledging Mirio's helpfulness as their acquaintance entered the building.

"Great job, Mirio-senpai!" Kashiko commended him with a smile. Just as Tsujioka, dressed in his costume, approached one of the phones, it began to ring. Without wasting a moment, he swiftly picked up the receiver, not even bothering to put on his cloak.

Kojiro's hero costume base is a black, lightweight, and breathable bodysuit with a special coating to repel Kojiro's black bands. Kojiro's costume has black bands to enhance his quirk, which he can use to create portals.

He also wears a black hooded coat that has a non-stick lining for his portals. Kojiro wears a coat hood with a translucent visor and black boots with sturdy soles. His boots have non-stick coating & he has gloves to help Kojiro control bands.

"Yeah, what?" he replied nonchalantly, absentmindedly scratching his reddish hair. "If it's something lame, then I'm outta here—"

Suddenly, Mahoro's voice burst through the phone with urgency, causing him to flinch at the volume. He lowered the phone from his ear, his eyes barely opening.

"I recognize that voice," he muttered softly, catching the attention of Mirio, Izuku, and Keiko who had just entered the room. "You're the same kid from yesterday!" Tsujioka realized, his gaze shifting towards the phone.

"Well, nice try," he mumbled under his breath, a dismissive tone lacing his words. "But we're not falling for it this time, brat..."

Izuku found himself questioning silently, 'Was he there yesterday?'

"He possesses a quirk that allows him to traverse through the black bands currently enveloping the entire island," Hayami explained, prompting a nod from Izuku.

"I'm not lying! The shapeshifting lady tried to stop him, but she..." Mahoro's words trailed off, her sentence left unfinished. As Tsujioka contemplated the situation, his pupils dilated, a sudden realization dawning upon him.

Mayo reminisced about the harbor, his mind awash with memories, but Mahoro's incessant calls were drowning out his thoughts.

A sudden prickle at the back of Izuku's mind interrupted the chaos. "It's the bug! They're in trouble!" Nanami's urgent voice rang out.

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