[Finding The Midoriyas Arc] Something Worth Wishing For

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This chapter is smut. If you do not wish to read it, simply stop before the first "~~~"  or break. I don't intend to make another chapter for Smut, so this will be a one-time thing for me.


The crowd erupted into cheers, a mixture of relief and pride. Itsuka couldn't contain her emotions and burst into tears.

As the first rays of sunlight burst over the city's skyline, the long night came to an end. Morning had finally arrived. 

[Finding The Midoriyas] Something Worth Wishing For

"If you take no risks, you will suffer no defeats. But if you take no risks, you win no victories." - Richard M. Nixon

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

-The Next Day-

It was a new day, marking the continuation of an incredibly long one. Bakugo found himself at the police station, undergoing a comprehensive interrogation about the events that had unfolded. Throughout the process, Bakugo remained largely silent, save for one outburst directed at Kirishima during their rescue on the platform.

After the interrogation concluded and he was released, Bakugo's parents arrived at the station to pick him up. His mother bore a striking resemblance to him, while his father seemed notably meek, a departure from Bakugo's usual demeanor.

"You little jerk! You endangered everyone with your reckless actions!" Bakugo's mother shouted, her voice echoing through the police station, ensuring that everyone within earshot heard her scolding. In a moment of anger, she delivered a sharp slap across her son's face.

"GAH! That hurts, you hag! Have some restraint, damn it!" Bakugo's body trembled, although his agitation was evident.


Izuku woke up in a hospital bed, his hands and other parts of his body throbbing with slight pain. Confusion filled his mind as he glanced around, his surroundings slowly coming into focus once the discomfort subsided.

It was a typical hospital room, devoid of anything extraordinary. He found himself draped in a blanket, with two chairs placed to one side, posters adorning the walls, and an attractive girl sitting in a third chair.

A voice echoed inside his head, chastising him. "You clueless idiot, Hayami has been shouting your name for quite some time now," Koyami's words reverberated, causing Izuku to flinch.

"My connection was cut off, even the most oblivious person could have figured that out," Izuku retorted, his response devoid of emotion.

As he gazed back at the girl, her head resting on his lap, recognition dawned upon him. "Kyo?" he exclaimed, taken aback. Questions flooded his mind. 

Why was she there? What time was it? Seeking answers, he looked around for a clock and spotted one on his bedside table, displaying the time as 8:25 AM.

"She's been here ever since you were admitted," Hayami informed him wearily, her voice carrying traces of exhaustion.

At that moment, he sensed a movement from Kyo. Panic coursed through him, prompting him to feign sleep and lower his head to one side.

Kyo's weary eyes fluttered open, revealing their puffy, tear-stained appearance. She let out a yawn, her exhaustion evident. "What time is it... 8:25?" she mumbled, stifling another yawn. Rising to her feet, she glanced down at Izuku. 

The bedsheets had tangled around his chest, prompting her to carefully straighten them. Kyo's gaze fixated on his closed eyes, and she sighed before returning to her seat.

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