Chapter 22: Relics of the Past

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"In any case, congratulations," Ojiro remarked. "Isn't love beautiful?" Aoyama hummed, abruptly moving over to Uraraka's side. "Don't you think so, mademoiselle?"

"Huuuuuh?" The brunette's face flushed once more, her thoughts returning to Izuku.

[Spirit Realm Arc] Relics of the Past

"We've arrived!" Mina exclaimed, flinging her arms out in greeting the rest of the class.

They were all taken aback. The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, in all its magnificence, stretched out before them.

Several others in the crowd recognized them and identified them as Yuuei students, but this quickly faded.

"I need to get some sunblock!" Ida announced robotically. "Where is the emo store?" muttered Tokoyami. Jiro moved closer to him as if she wanted to join him.

"It appears that we all have different priorities," Kirishima observed. "How about we split up for the time being and agree to meet back here at 3?" Everyone seemed to agree, and they began to go. Kirishima, Itsuka, Momo, and Sero headed out together, as did Kaminari and Hagakure. Shoji accompanied Tokoyami and Jiro. Ojiro seemed to follow Ida and Uraraka grudgingly. Mina swung her way over to Hitoshi, who was looking around at the escalators and stores, pretending not to be impressed.

"What's the problem? Have you ever been to a mall?" she asked him overly gently.

"GAH! Errrrmmm... no. Shopping isn't something I enjoy doing. Or perhaps crowds. Or public venues with a lot of people and shopping."

Mina's smile flickered for a split second. 'They're only not your thing because you haven't had enough exposure to them. I could see you were having a great time in the arcade and the skating rink.'

To be honest, she knew Hitoshi wasn't much like her. Despite their comparable personalities, he was far more serious and contemplative on the inside. But she knew they could make it work. She could feel it in her heart. She had been willing to risk it all and kiss him after their exam for that reason.

Yeah...she did that.


Mina took a look around the exam room. It looked like the site they'd used for the rescue race: an industrial metropolis with pipelines and labyrinthine streets, smokestacks, and construction equipment. Every structure and building was either sleek silver or dismal grey. Metal, metal, and more metal. 

"When compared to other substances, my Acid is difficult to corrode metal. I can do it, but it will take more time and stamina." She told Hitoshi as much.

At first, the brainwashing boy did not respond. He stood there, his gaze fixed ahead. The handcuffs for detaining Nezu hung from his belt, despite the fact that this was not their intention. "Isn't this a maze?" he finally said.

"...Yeah, somethin' like that."

He clicked his teeth in annoyance. "Of course. This is the area where I'd have real trouble."

"So the environment is bad news for both of us..." Mina posited. "Where does the principal come into play with that?"

Hitoshi frowned. "I don't... I'm not sure."

"Hitoshi..." Mina poked him in the ribs with her finger. "You have two modes. the ultra-good-focus mode, as it was throughout most of the Sports Festival and the fight with the League of Villains at the USJ, and the big-alarm-panic mode, as it was during the battle trial?"

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