Chapter 16: Game Start

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"Haha, it was all thanks to my mirrors! Oh, I know what we're going to do for the rest of the week! This is an excellent opportunity for practice! And then you can go back to your classmates and tell them everything..."

Toru scarcely paid attention, her gaze fixed on the spot where her hands should have been. "I never expected my Quirk to have any other aspect. I assumed I'd be the dullest, least noticeable person in the room—the shadow. But... aren't shadows constantly surrounded by light?"

[Vs. Musashi Arc] Game Start

"Begin," commanded Kamui Woods, his authoritative voice echoing in the back courtyard of the apartment complex.

The scene was set in a tranquil clearing, with only a few small gardens and bushes serving as barriers. Clotheslines hung above them, adding a touch of everyday life to the surroundings.

Hanta wasted no time and launched his attack, unleashing his tape in a rapid flurry, just as he had done against Monoma. He moved swiftly in a circle, attempting to encircle Ibara. However, she countered his tape assault by growing thorny vines, tearing through the tape with ease. Hanta used his long legs to swing from a clothesline, shooting his tape upward and diagonally.

Ibara's defense mechanism kicked in as her hair rose, forming a protective wall, while additional vines snaked around Hanta's calf. Hanta's eyes widened in realization. 'Once she constricts me, it's over.'

Reacting quickly, he raised his elbow and shot tape behind himself, finding another clothesline and swinging away just in time. He landed on the line, briefly crouching before the vines attacked again, forcing him to leap away.

"Excellent move, Shiozaki!" Kamui Woods applauded. "Don't give up! Embrace the challenge!"

Ibara appeared distressed. "Um...I'd hate to damage all these beautiful gardens here."

"Put that concern aside! They can be regrown!" Kamui Woods reassured her.

'Quite the unique character,' Hanta thought as he prepared for another attack. This time, he stayed close to the building wall, utilizing the ledges to maneuver past Ibara.

Ibara responded by rapidly growing vines up the wall. Hanta kicked one away, losing his balance and falling to the ground. He managed to break his fall by shooting tape into another clothesline, but his knees suffered the impact, resulting in bruises.

Within an instant, the vines engulfed him. Hanta dodged, weaved, and swung, desperately evading Ibara's relentless assault. When he launched another onslaught, she swiftly erected another vine wall. Hanta gritted his teeth. 'Damn it! I don't have enough power to break through it!'

Exhausted, Hanta retreated once more. He gasped for breath while Ibara paused politely, keeping a distance of about thirty feet between them. Kamui Woods observed the situation, offering a reminder. "Remember what I told you, Sero."

'You'll hit a skill peak sooner than the others. To be a hero, you need to find a way to stand out.'

'Argh! I just can't figure it out.' Despite being faster and more tactical than Shiozaki, it made no difference. She possessed greater power and naturally drew attention. 'How can I compete against a long line of individuals just like her? It feels impossible...'

"Sero-san." Shiozaki's melodious voice broke through his thoughts. "Please don't give up."

'Is she pitying me like everyone else? Don't be concerned. I said, don't be concerned!'

"Fighting against someone as formidable as you push me to become better," she earnestly expressed. "So... if you'll allow me to be a little selfish... I'd like to continue!" She raised her fist with joy.

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