Chapter 48: Melonpan

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"All teams, proceed to your designated starting areas."

[Project 42 Arc] Melonpan

A melonpan (メロンパン, meronpan) (also known as melon pan, melon bun or melon bread) is a type of sweet bun from Japan, made from an enriched dough covered in a thin layer of crisp cookie dough. Their appearance resembles a melon, such as a rock melon (cantaloupe).

"Many of us will be obsessed with one or another kind of secret or revelation, be it gossip about friends or ourselves, a fantasy about spies, or a worry about the most personal information now stored in data banks. But few of us think about secrets in general, or about the moral rights and wrongs of hiding or exposing them."Ian Hacking

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

While dashing through the dense forest, Ochako Uraraka endeavored to uplift the prevailing atmosphere. "In this, let's give it our all, Tsu-chan!"


Amidst the flurry of her own thoughts, Ochako held onto a specific realization. 'Tsu still harbors a fear of Kayama.' 

It was unsurprising, considering the haunting events of the Training Camp. Despite the setback of losing his quirk, Kayama retained the formidable ability to singlehandedly challenge and triumph over their entire class.

Retrospectively, Ochako recalled the comprehensive explanation Izuku had shared with her.


Reflecting on the situation, Ochako realized that her conversation with Izuku must have occurred before his confrontation with Bakugo. While the others were engrossed in discussing the license exam indoors, their meeting had taken place outside.

Izuku maintained a neutral expression, careful not to reveal anything. "I assume you're seeking answers about what transpired during the Training Camp? Allow me to provide you with a brief overview."

Ochako focused intently. "The two individuals you witnessed—the blonde girl and the one with the fire quirk—were part of my past. I had enlisted them as spies for the League to gather information. Sayoko Kurono is one such operative."

Curiosity tinged Ochako's tone as she questioned, "Why the need for such elaborate measures to keep Tsu and me silent?"

"If Yuuei were to uncover my association with those who were adversaries during the Training Camp, it would create complications for me. I'd be compelled to answer uncomfortable questions prematurely."

"I stand with Yuuei, regardless of your perceptions, and your assumptions about me are unfounded," Izuku concluded, affording Ochako time to digest his words.

Reiterating his sentiment, Ochako affirmed, "I'm going to protect my family, even if it means turning every hero and villain in the world against me." She sought clarity, "What does that entail?"

"As I mentioned, my family holds paramount importance. If Yuuei interferes with my endeavors to safeguard them, circumstances will change." Extending his hand, Izuku reached out to Ochako. "For now, we share a common goal... I hope that remains unchanged, Uraraka-san."

Narrowing her gaze at the boy, Ochako's thoughts sharpened. 'The facade you present... Kayama, I will unveil it!'

-Present Time-

Ochako kept her gaze fixed on Izuku's retreating figure as they darted through the dense forest. 'For now, we find ourselves on the same side,' she mused, her thoughts aligning with his sentiment. 'I just hope things stay this way.'

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