Chapter 51: The Raid

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"Indeed." Mirio wiped at his eyes and stood up, resolve replacing his previous despondency. "Kayama, this is a second chance for us. We can't afford to squander it."

Izuku met Mirio's gaze and then turned back to Aizawa. "I have no intention of doing so." His voice resonated with unwavering conviction.

[Project 42 Arc] The Raid 

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." - Buddha

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

On the journey back, Tsuyu and Ochako found themselves seated side by side.

The amphibian-themed girl's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. One concern loomed prominently – Izuku's unusual display of emotion had caught her attention. The rarity of such moments from him stirred a thought of sharing it with Kyo, but she quickly dismissed the idea. 'She'll sort it out herself. He'll open up to her eventually. Their bond is unexpectedly mature,' Tsuyu mused.

They were all bound by secrecy, figuratively speaking, with a mandate to keep mum about their recent experiences at Yuuei. The lingering possibility of a traitor weighed heavily on her mind – she had overheard whispers about it. And then, there was the arduous task of the experts sifting through the hidden lairs, an endeavor that could take an indefinite stretch of time. 

"What if the yakuza get wind of our intentions..." The unease regarding this eclipsed even the memories of the USJ and forest incidents. In those situations, the adrenaline surge had propelled her forward. But the apprehension about the clandestine operations was different, more insidious.

Amidst this turmoil, Tsuyu couldn't help but fixate on the Eri episode during her internship. 'It's not a major issue, given the low risks involved,' she reasoned, trying to soothe her inner turmoil.

However, this situation was distinct. The impending return to combat and the preparations therein heightened the unease. 'If I had been the one to meet Eri, instead of Kayama-chan and Togata-senpai, how would I have handled it?' she wondered introspectively. It was likely she would have inadvertently intimidated the girl with her unvaried expression, apathetic and uninterested – an unintentional rejection of Eri's plight. 'Please, not on the train,' Tsuyu urged herself, attempting to stave off tears.

"Tsu?" Ochako's concerned touch on her arm broke her reverie. "You'll be okay, right? I know it's a lot..."

"Ochako-chan, may I ask you something?"

The question seemed to catch the brunette off guard. "Of course, anything." The train's background rumble shielded their conversation from prying ears.

Amidst her myriad concerns, Tsuyu couldn't ignore the presence of her companion, potentially her best friend, though Mina was also a strong contender. Yet, Tsuyu recognized a unique connection with Ochako, forged through shared trials. "If the League truly has a hand in this, croak... we must prepare for the possibility that they'll make an appearance in this upcoming battle."

Ochako's expression was an enigma. "And?"

"Can you make me a promise, Ochako? Can you assure me that you won't let yourself be...sidetracked?"

A shadow crossed Ochako's face. "I..."

"I'm aware of your animosity towards the League. Saving Bakugo was partly an act of defiance. But these emotions can be dangerous, you see. We can't afford to lose to dangerous impulses, including your suspicion of Kayama-chan, which I share... But we have a little girl's life hanging in the balance. We need to...focus on what truly matters."

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