Chapter 56: Unofficial Preparations

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"Huh?" Tsuyu's surprise was evident. "Mina-chan, where are you going?"

She didn't pause. In fact, as she stepped out the door, she began to run. 

[Project 42 Arc] Unofficial Preparations

"The telephone, which interrupts the most serious conversations and cuts short the most weighty observations, has a romance of its own." - Virginia Woolf

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Mina raced through Yuuei's corridors like a force of nature. The school day was ended, but there were still a few people in the hallways, and she blew right by them. Her ears were literally emitting steam.

She broke in between two older girls chatting as she came around a corner. They broke their conversation to stare at her for a brief moment.

One more left. Then a right, and up these stairs...there. There it is. 

Mina had a cogent notion at the last second, the first since storming out of the dorm building, that there might be something going on in Principal Nezu's office right now. The second thing she realized was that she didn't give a damn.

She pulled the door open with both hands, forcing it to scream on its hinges, swing at tremendous speed, and bang against the wall. "PRINCIPAL!" she yelled, her breath finally catching up with her from the hurry here. "I need to speak with you!"

Her eyes took in the entire room in a matter of seconds. Three guys gathered around Nezu's desk, where the principal sat. Toshinori was shrunken and famished after his encounter with Kayama. Cementoss. And a regular-looking individual she didn't recognize...who seemed the most shocked by her presence here.

All Might and Cementoss both looked surprised at her abrupt appearance, but Nezu's eyes just expanded slightly wider. "Ashido," he said, sipping tea from his desk. "I can only presume that this subject is urgent based on your pace and body language. So, I guess we should talk about it right away."

"Huh?" The ordinary-looking guy spat back at the principal. "This little brat runs in here disrespectfully, and this is how you treat her? By ignoring me? We're not done talking yet!"

"I'm afraid we've reached the end of our conversation, Yanei. As I have often emphasized to you and, I am a principal first and foremost, and my primary responsibility is to my kids. Ashido is one such example. Now, could you please go outside for a moment and allow me to hear her out?"

Mina, who had before been mildly turned off by the principal, now felt something beyond appreciation and close to adore rising through her heart. When Yanei passed her, he lightly bumped her shoulder and mumbled, "Mutant freak," before carrying on.

'He was hoping for a modest triumph as a reward for Nezu and me completely stomping on him.' Yet Mina had grown tired of being mocked for her physical features. As he moved out of the room, closing the door behind him, she just smirked at him, letting her alien eyes sparkle a little.

All Might opened his mouth as if to hastily explain. "That was-"

"It's okay, All Might sir. I don't care about that guy or what he's doing here."

Nezu placed his cup of tea down. "Would you like All Might and Cementoss to leave as well?"

"No, it's actually better that they're here." Mina inhaled deeply. She was relieved for the small minute she'd had to wait to speak because her ideas were now organized.

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