Chapter 29: The Battle in Kamino Ward

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Izuku extended his hand. "When we grow older, let's pursue our own dreams instead of someone else's."

A warm smile graced Ashoka's face. "Deal," he agreed, and the two friends shook hands, sealing their pact.

[Training Camp Arc] The Battle in Kamino Ward

-Present Time-

"The mission was a success, and I didn't see Izuku much after that, but we were partners for the time being," Ashoka finished his story. Bakugo was dumbfounded.


Aizawa, All Might, and the rest of the 1-A students formed a semicircle around Yaoyorozu's bed while doctors attended to her on both sides. The room was eerily quiet, with only the constant beeping of the heart rate monitor breaking the silence.

"I can't believe it," muttered Kirishima. Sero and Mina remained silent on either side of him. Mina's gaze flickered toward the bedside table where a device lay. Was she brave enough to say something?

Izuku, Shoto, and Hitoshi wore expressions filled with anger, while Itsuka showed concern.

"It seems the syringe contained a toxin strong enough to knock her out. She'll be unconscious for the next half hour," the doctor informed the group.

"Who would do something so vile?" Ida asked, clenching his jaw tightly.

Aizawa and All Might exchanged a glance. "We should be more concerned about who attacked her in the hospital in the first place," 

Aizawa said, turning to one of the doctors. "Are there any security cameras in this room?"

The doctor shook his head. "This room is designed to provide privacy to the patients."

Aizawa grumbled and clicked his teeth. "Do you have any information about who entered or left this room?"

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sure you could inquire around. I was called here solely to operate on the girl."

Shoto's face darkened. "There's no way a villain could have gotten in, but we students have almost complete control over the hospital."

"No," Uraraka interrupted, capturing everyone's attention. "The villains have someone who can infiltrate anywhere on their side. Kurogiri, a portal user. He could have simply entered this room and..."

"But why? Why attack Yaoyorozu?" Itsuka questioned.

All Might lowered his head and picked something up from the floor. It was a partially destroyed mechanical device. "What is this?" he wondered aloud. Despite Aizawa's protests, Mina stepped forward and took the other device from the table. 

"It's a faulty version of this," she explained. "Yaoyorozu created two."

"Two of what?" asked the Symbol of Peace.

Mina's eyes blinked. "When we were fleeing from a Nomu, Yaoyorozu had Awase from Class B attach a tracking device to it using his Quirk. This is the sender."

Sero opened his mouth to tell Mina to back off, and Hitoshi winced. 'Why is she revealing this to the pros?! We're the ones who need the receiver!'

"Someone didn't want her to find them," Ida explained. "But why would they destroy one while leaving the other intact?"

Mina turned the device around and showed it to the two professionals. It displayed a map with a blinking red dot. All Might gasped and leaned in. "That isn't the bar's location! The Nomu must have been taken somewhere else."

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