Chapter 23: The Beginning of Our End

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"Am I dead? Where am I?" His gaze wandered slowly, his half-lidded eyes scanning the surroundings. Squinting, Izuku noticed a figure approaching in the distance.

"Is that... Ashborn?"

[Spirit Realm Arc] The Beginning of Our End

As the man approached, Izuku's heart raced, a glimmer of recognition igniting within him. It had to be Ashborn. However, the sight of Ashborn triggered conflicting thoughts within Izuku's mind. Either he was trapped in a hallucination, soon to wake up from this surreal encounter, or he had indeed passed away, finding himself in the company of Ashborn for the rest of eternity.

"Ashborn...what brings you here?" Izuku managed to utter, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of trepidation. Meeting Ashborn face-to-face, he found himself extending his hand, and Ashborn swiftly grasped it, their connection solidifying.

"I have been observing you from the very beginning, Izuku Midoriya," Ashborn replied with an air of mystique.

Izuku's eyes widened, pupils, dilating in disbelief. "How do you know my name?"

"As I mentioned, I have been an unwavering spectator of your journey since its inception."

"I am the embodiment of your struggles, the living testament to your unwavering resistance, and the culmination of all the pain you have endured."

"I shall reveal to you not only our shared origin and destiny but also the origins that have shaped you."

In an instant, the void surrounding Izuku transformed into a captivating tableau of ancient beings suspended in the celestial expanse.

"In a world devoid of existence, there existed only light and darkness. The 'Absolute Being' divided the light to form God's messengers."

"It also fragmented the darkness, birthing eight monarchs—Monarchs fated to bring about the world's destruction. They clashed relentlessly with the Messengers, the guardians of preservation, resulting in an unending conflict."

"The Fragment of Brilliant Light, the most powerful entity to emerge from the ceaseless war, beseeched the Absolute Being."

"'Oh, Supreme Being, why have you forsaken your loyal subjects? Can you not hear the anguished cries of the countless soldiers who sacrificed their lives in your name? Grant us the power to vanquish our adversaries, and we shall sever their heads, offering them as a tribute unto you,'" it implored, its voice echoing with desperation and a desire for divine intervention.

"However, their pleas fell on deaf ears as the Absolute Being remained silent. The Fragments of Brilliant Light came to a startling realization that their relentless war against the Monarchs served only as entertainment for the Absolute Being."

"It became increasingly apparent that the Absolute Being harbored a vested interest in perpetuating the war. The people fervently worshipped and extolled the Absolute Being, even chanting battle cries in its honor. They swore unwavering loyalty and pledged their very lives to serve the whims of the Absolute Being."

"Despite their unwavering obedience to the commandments laid out by the Absolute Being, the death toll far surpassed the number of survivors."

"Even those who faithfully adhered to the commandments were not spared from the clutches of death. The battle raged on without respite, as long as the Absolute Being continued to exist."

Moved by the futility of the conflict, the Fragments of Brilliant Light drew their swords, determined to bring an end to this senseless struggle.

Ashborn, a formidable figure, raised his voice. "This was a rebellion," he declared, pointing towards an angelic humanoid. "I, once a messenger of the lone God, defied the rebel forces." Old Ashborn stood tall, a white knight adorned with expansive wings, cascading silver hair, and radiant white eyes. Clad in silver robes embellished with light tan armor and a grayish-blue cloak, he brandished a white sword with a light tan guard and a gray hilt.

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