Chapter 86: Foresight

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A loud crash sounded across the campus, Izuku looked toward the dorms.

"That wasn't supposed to happen."

[Meta Liberation Arc] Foresight

"We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove to be." -May Sarton

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

The atmosphere was charged with tension as an unsettling crash emanated from the teachers' dormitories, instantly putting the grounds on high alert. The teachers swiftly sprang into action, donning their costumes and readying themselves for any threat that awaited them.

"Evacuate the students! Find the attackers!" Shota Aizawa commanded his colleagues, and they immediately dispersed, each taking a different direction. Shota, guided by his concern for Eri's safety, hurried towards her room. To his surprise, he discovered the young girl guarded by a colossal, shadowy snake.

Shota's thoughts were interrupted as the snake lunged at him, propelling him forcefully through the same damaged wall that had earlier seen the Zenin family being launched through. The impact sent him hurtling through the air, crashing violently through branches until he finally landed, battered and disoriented, in a sizable crater.

As he gradually regained his composure, Shota's ears caught the sound of hurried footsteps. Turning his gaze toward the noise, he observed two teenagers hastily fleeing from the scene.

"Hey, you two!" he called out, urging them to stop, but his plea fell on deaf ears.

Just as he prepared to give chase, a figure descended from above, gracefully landing in front of him. Shota's mind raced, questioning the extent of the coordination behind this audacious attack.

The figure gradually removed its hood, revealing a face that nearly made Shota leap out of his own skin. "I-Izuku?"

A mix of shock and disbelief washed over Shota. "Hey, Uncle," Izuku replied nonchalantly.

"Crimson Torrent!"

Izuku's eyes widened, intense pain shooting through his ribs as Vlad King's attack connected. He was sent flying, the impact driving the air from his lungs. Moments later, Vlad King, Midnight, Present Mic, and Snipe materialized before him.

"We need him alive, not dead!" Snipe hissed anxiously, fearing they had inadvertently caused Izuku's demise. They needed him for interrogation.

"Don't worry. He's just unconscious," Vlad grumbled, attempting to reassure them.

But Izuku wasn't there anymore. They turned around to find him standing, a dazed expression on his face.

"You're—" Present Mic began, only to be interrupted by Izuku.

"—not unconscious? Oh, that's right. In the nick of time, I used magic to reinforce my ribs, preventing me from being knocked out or having them crushed by the torrent of blood," Izuku explained, Hayami already healing the injury at an astonishing rate.

However, the side effects of the magic were taking hold, causing Izuku to behave strangely.

"We have to bring you back, Izuku. We need to question you about everything you've done," Midnight stated, her words met with a smirk from Izuku.

Suddenly, they looked above and a large green dome encased the entire grounds. 

"You won't be taking me back," Izuku declared, gracefully removing his tattered cloak. The five individuals before him narrowed their eyes, their suspicion and wariness evident.

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