[Yuuei Beginnings Arc] 8-Month Intermission

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The news of Stain's death cast a somber tone over the room. Sensing the change in mood, Yao-Yao swiftly changed the subject, and the group eagerly engaged in a new discussion, excluding Izuku.

As he observed his friends, Izuku's mind raced with a solemn realization. "They can never find out about my past, nor the lengths I'm willing to go to protect the ones I care about."

[Yuuei Beginnings Arc] 8-Month Intermission

Izuku wasn't motivated to train because there were still about eight months remaining until the entrance exams. Despite knowing that he had the natural talent to perform well in both the written and practical exams, he couldn't just relax after receiving news about his friends.

Momo and Shoto had already secured admission through recommendations. Momo, belonging to the prestigious Yaoyourozu family, easily obtained her admission. On the other hand, Endeavor would rather starve than allow his son to participate in the Yuuei entrance exams.

Only Hitoshi and Itsuka were left. Itsuka planned to spend the next eight months traveling and training in the mountains with her grandfather. Izuku suspected that Hitoshi would have received additional training from Aizawa due to his quirk, which prevented him from defeating the exam robots. Hitoshi would need all his strength.

During the following eight months, Izuku was left to his own devices. He made calls to Toya, Toga, and Kyo. Although he treated Toya and Kyo the same, Kyo rarely answered. While Toga always returned his calls, most of his days were spent talking nonstop to her. Occasionally, he would phone Uraraka to inquire about her life. He found her to be a unique case.

Uraraka acted as if she was weak, but she easily caught Izuku off guard, even with the power of the guardians. However, he reminded himself every day that it wouldn't happen again. He believed she would prove to be an exceptional hero.

Deciding to start his morning rituals, Izuku got up and began his routine. Nemuri noticed that Izuku was awake and came out of her room, taking the opportunity to talk to her adoptive son.

These changes aim to improve the flow of the script and clarify the relationships between the characters.

She knocked on his door, and as it swung open, Nemuri greeted him with a smile. "Hey, Izuku," she began the conversation.

"Good morning, Mom," Izuku replied, finishing his last round of push-ups. He turned to face her and noticed a concerned expression on her face. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just that with the Hero Killer dead, I wanted to make sure you were okay. You were out late last night, so I talked to Mr. Shirochi, and he gave me that look—the one that says he has sworn to secrecy."

Izuku let out a sigh, realizing where she was going with this. "You went to another swordsman tournament, didn't you? What have I told you about attending those?" she scolded, placing her hands on her hips.

"I'm sorry, Mom. There was a 70K cash prize, and I couldn't resist. Though things didn't go as I expected, and I ended up giving away the prize money," Izuku confessed.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay. Please promise me you won't go to another one, Izuku," she pleaded, her voice filled with concern. Izuku felt a pang in his heart and made a sincere promise to his mother that he wouldn't attend another tournament.

"Alright, I have to head to work. If you leave, don't forget to lock up," she reminded him, closing his door and making her way to her hero devices.

Izuku sat with his legs crossed, deep in thought. "I can't afford to waste the next eight months just sitting around. If I want to bring him back and defeat that man, I need to become stronger," he muttered to himself. He pondered different training approaches but kept hitting a roadblock. "The problem is, I can't push myself too hard without drawing attention to my 'quirk.'"

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