Chapter 55: Evolution of a Cursed Child

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Inko couldn't bring herself to accept that her son had become a villain. However, when they delved into the details of him stabbing All Might and leaving him in critical condition, no one was willing to listen to Izuku's side of the story or consider his reasons.

In the span of just eight hours, Izuku went from being Yuuei's top first-year student to becoming public enemy number one.

[Project 42 Arc] Evolution of a Cursed Child

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." - Buddha

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Principal Nezu sat in his office, encircled by individuals in sharp suits.

Their ultimatum echoed persistently in his tufted ears.

"The school festival for this year, along with any forthcoming events, stands canceled."

"All ongoing external field studies and student internships are hereby revoked."

"You are granted until the culmination of this academic term to continue the training of our young heroes solely within the confines of this institution, and to apprehend and confine each member of the League of Villains within the walls of Tartarus."

"Should the League manage to evade capture by the end of this school year, U.A. High will confront permanent closure."

"Traditional heroes and conventional hero education will gradually give way to a specialized Quirk-oriented paramilitary police force, better equipped to combat these threats devoid of the additional element of popularity contests."

"All Might's era has drawn to a close, Principal. The epoch of heroes has concluded. Our most optimistic aspiration is to salvage society ere it's too far gone."

"Unless you can refute our stance. A solitary year, Nezu. Merely one. Locate Shigaraki. Unmask this traitorous youth. Apprehend them all."


The nightmares revisited him once more.

"Why didn't you come earlier?" Eri's voice quivered, her arms and legs marred by serious cuts that oozed blood. Her hand stretched out in an attempt to approach him, while he remained immobilized by fear.

"Why didn't you return for me?" she questioned, although her stature had grown, and her hair had taken on a darker hue... Kyo, his girlfriend, had transformed into her.

"Why didn't you come back for me?" Kyo's words echoed, his agitation mounting. Izuku remained frozen. "I..." he tried to speak. "I..."

'I'm uncertain! I'm directionless, unsure of what steps to take!'

Blood streamed not only from her limbs but also from her head, the cuts growing deeper and wider. They grew redder and redder until they consumed her entire form, obstructing his view. They turned darker, akin to seams, ruptures in reality, and within those abysses, Izuku gazed into the maw of madness. Once again, he beheld those things slithering below, akin to maggots in a grotesquely infected wound. They hissed vile and fouler things at him.

'I must awaken. I need to rouse myself!'

Images flashed before his eyes. An innocent infant nestled in a crib. A mother with a different child, a shadow clouding her visage. "It's not an illness," the mother murmured softly, her gaze on her child. "Just a minor... quirk."

Two brothers with grey hair appeared, one looming menacingly over the other, a grim smile playing on his lips. He pressed his hand against the other's face, transmitting an eerie dark energy between them. The second sibling struggled but was powerless.

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