Chapter 64: Blissful Feelings II

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"Zero," Takahiro's voice interrupted his thoughts. "The girl's here, and she's requesting a conversation."

A sigh escaped Izuku's lips. "This had better be worth it; the battle was just beginning to pique my interest."

[Zenin Clan Arc] Blissful Feelings II

"A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves." - Lao Tzu

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

The fight had captured the attention of both reporters and protestors, causing them to abandon their prior commitments and observe the altercation.

"It seems likely that the fighters are possibly positioned at the building site. The situation lacks clarity as it is not clear if all the individuals are villains who are trying to lure out the Yuuei staff or if there are heroes who were vigilant and battling these villains..."

Everyone was startled by a sudden loud noise that made them jump. The demonstrators were filled with anxiety.

"What the hell was that?"

"Where are they?"

Without any warning, the cameras swiftly shifted their focus to an object rapidly approaching the gathering. A duo seemed to be propelled by numerous vines.

A reporter gasped. "SPREAD!"

The fighters raced through the throng without interruption, approaching a collision course with the Yuuei gate. In front of the spectators, a man with silver hair and elegant attire regained his balance while floating in mid-flight and propelled himself away from the gate using his feet. 

The gate unexpectedly bent with an odd elastic noise, causing the two individuals to rebound without much harm. The scattered vines landed haphazardly in small clusters on the ground.

The petite lady with rosy pigtails clutched a camera. They arrived at the center of the gathering with timid looks on their faces.

In a contemplative position, the man folded his fingers behind his chin. "Well, La Brava, this is a difficult situation. I hadn't planned on becoming the center of attention so early, but now that we have these cameras..."

"I know you!" shouted a protestor. "You're that villain guy from online! I press dislike on all your videos!"

"Someone catch him!" someone else shouted. 

Stunned, the reporters turned back to their cameras.

"It seems that-"

"We've had a development-"

"-There's a villain here! A famous villain from online!"

"GENTLE CRIMINAL!" exclaimed the man, introducing himself. "I firmly believe in the media's ideals of disseminating information to our citizens." And, according to protest ideas, standing up for a cause you believe in, no matter how controversial! I, too, would like to see this place fall! That's why I'm here!" He twirled, and his coat followed suit.

"Gentle, wai-" La Brava was cut off.

The crowd gasped and turned around. 

She was being carried towards them by the current. Dozens of vines sprouted from her hair and extended downwards into the earth, resembling the feet of a ridiculous insect as they lifted and replanted themselves. 

Whenever they cruised along the avenue, their might caused the pavement to fracture. The girl was suspended in the middle of everything, maintaining her stability by utilizing her own long locks to stay above ground.

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