[Zenin Clan Arc] V for Villain

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"The toughest decisions demand the strongest wills," Izuku intoned solemnly.

As he turned away, she extended her hand. "IZUKU!"

[Zenin Clan Arc] V for Villain

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."George Bernard Shaw

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

As he entered the base, a deafening collision assaulted his ears. He surveyed the surroundings, attempting to pinpoint the source of the relentless clamor. The cacophony of crashes and shattering objects resonated from above. Room by room, corridor by corridor, level by level, he journeyed until he reached his destination. Coming to a halt, he confronted the epicenter of the ruckus. All the din, from the ear-splitting crashes to the loud bangs, emanated from beyond that specific door.

'My door.'

An uneasy tension coiled within him, memories of the ominous possibilities behind the door resurfacing. 'Despite everything, I believed her adeptness in gathering information surpassed that of her teammates due to her adaptability and compliance under dire threats.'

Stepping through the door, a cup brimming with pencils hurtled towards him, now behind him. Fortunate for his sharp instincts, preventing a collision with his face.

"Hey!" Izuku exclaimed at the girl sprawled on his bed amidst a mound of assorted objects, seemingly prepared for a barrage on the door. "What on earth are you up to?"

An assortment of household items was strewn about the room. He glanced behind, observing the room's disarray—books, furniture, and various miscellanea haphazardly strewn.

A chaotic mélange of nearly everything imaginable. Glancing sideways, he fixed a pointed glare at the object of his ire. Sayoko Kurono rested on his bed, her gaze meeting his with defiance.

"Has no one ever advised you against meddling with others' belongings?" Izuku's voice carried a firm edge.

"Has no one ever advised you against bloody kidnapping?" She retorted with an undertone of annoyance.

"Touché," Izuku conceded, taking a seat on the loveseat.

Silence engulfed them awkwardly. She stood at the edge of the bed, mouth sealed. He maintained a resounding silence. Her gaze veered away from him. Izuku chose otherwise, locking onto her with an unwavering gaze. She stared at the unremarkable ceiling, devoid of any distinguishing features.

"How long have I been confined here?" Her words shattered the stagnant silence that had cocooned them.

"Not long. Only a day," Izuku's reply was laced with cold detachment.

A silence ensued, her likely mulling over her options. He acknowledged that he hadn't given the matter enough consideration. 'My focus has wavered due to my preoccupation with Kyo.'

'I've lost my meticulous approach, my careful planning before confronting challenges. Instead, I've charged headfirst into every issue like a bulldozer. Confronted with the unexpected, my usual composure has crumbled, replaced by panic.'

Izuku's sudden rise caught her attention. He strode to his desk, each stomp articulating his frustration. Fixing his gaze on the untouched notebook, he released his anger in a series of emphatic pencil strokes, the paper beneath capturing his intent.

He recalled that Yuuei was shutting down by year's end, necessitating a meeting with Ashoka. 'A setback, not defeat. I must revisit my plans against Ashoka; surrender isn't an option.'

You Can Be a Hero TooOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora