Chapter 43: The Blank Period

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Overhaul pivoted to face Mimic, who had arrived with urgent news.

"There's a call for you, boss! It's Tenko Shimura!"

[Project 42 Arc] The Blank Period

"If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."George Washington

-You Can Be A Hero Too-


Kyo made a decision she believed was necessary for her safety as she left the hideout. Her entire family was gone, and Izuku had abandoned them somewhere, leaving her alone in this desolate and cold world.

Kyo Hizuru was now truly alone.

In the dark of night, she aimlessly roamed the streets, her mind consumed by the sole objective of survival. Other thoughts had faded away, replaced by the haunting question, "What will my life be like now?" She had no family, no connections—just an eight-year-old girl, left to fend for herself.

Yet, this was the reality for most of the Exodus children. Their bodies bore the innocence of childhood, but their minds carried the weight of experience far beyond their years. They were thrust into adulthood prematurely, forced to mature rapidly, learn quickly, and, in some cases, even kill. Kyo never fully comprehended the necessity of taking lives; witnessing the brutal slaughter of her sister, mother, and father had hardened her in ways unimaginable.

Despite her circumstances, many of her mentors and teachers regarded Kyo as a charming and kind-hearted young lady. She always put others before herself, a trait that drew her to Zero so swiftly. In him, she saw a reflection of her mother's affectionate side, reserved exclusively for her. It was a familiarity that evoked adoration and emotions she had once reserved only for her mother.

Lost in her thoughts, Kyo strolled down an alleyway when she caught sight of a drunken man muttering to himself in a dimly lit corner. Her breath hitched as she noticed a wallet protruding from his back pocket. She moved closer, her actions becoming almost imperceptible. With utmost stealth, she drew her knife and raised it behind the intoxicated man's neck, poised to strike.

In front of her, a wall of flames surged upward, creating a formidable barrier. As Kyo sank to her knees, a blazing figure descended gracefully before her. But as she rose to her feet and peered down at Kyo, the fiery monster transformed before her eyes. Now, she stood before Kyo dressed in a school uniform, featuring a white dress shirt with a stylish bow at the neck, a short pale skirt, and a dark jacket with white sleeves layered over it.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't tell me you were planning to harm this poor elderly man," the girl inquired, sassily placing a hand on her hips.

The firewall swiftly dissipated, and the elderly man vanished from sight.

Kyo narrowed her gaze at the girl, noticing her youthful appearance, perhaps around thirteen years old. She quickly readied herself, gripping her knife tightly. Meanwhile, the girl formed a fireball in her hand, taunting Kyo with a smirk.

"Idiot! Do you really think you can match up to me?" she mocked Kyo, showing no signs of preparing for a fight. Kyo gritted her teeth and lunged at the girl, determined to prove her wrong. "Well, it seems she's willing to take me on," the teenager chuckled before hurling her fireball at Kyo.

Swiftly evading the attack, Kyo dodged the fiery strike. The girl scoffed, her arms bursting into flames. "You have a chance of having water arms," Kyo remarked, noticing the girl's hands transforming into watery appendages.

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