Chapter 61: Things Are Starting To Move III

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Jiro stood. "Come on, we've got to tell the others. And no, you're not getting out of this. Not after what I just heard."

[Zenin Clan Arc] Things Are Starting To Move III

"You can never plan the future by the past." - Edmund Burke

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Upon completion of the spars, fatigued students commenced their journey back to the school while conversing. However, Hitoshi lingered behind for a while, to remove his boots and tend to the air valves. He had acquired them from Hatsume not long ago and was uncertain about using them excessively at this moment.

Mina, who had stayed by his side at the arena's edge, wrinkled her nose as he slipped the boot off effortlessly. "Your feet smell horrible, even with socks," she grumbled.

"After pursuing Ojiro in a hot and sandy environment, I am certain that your feet are cordial and lovely."

"Yeah, but at the very least I have the decency to keep them hidden."

Hitoshi flipped over the boot in his hand, scrutinizing it. Everything appeared to be in order.

They both looked up as a shadow descended over them. It was Aizawa who was standing there.

"Hitoshi, are you aware that we're having a practice session this afternoon?" he inquired.

"Erm..." Hitoshi looked across toward Mina. "I really need to practice for the festival this afternoon, Sir. I'm a member of the dance group."

"That can be postponed. This is going to be something remarkable." Uraraka appeared from behind him. She wore a solemn expression on her face.

Hitoshi raised his eyebrows. "Are you joining us?"

Uraraka nodded. "Just for today."

"So, what exactly are we working on here?" Is it primarily related to his ability to control his Quirk? As it stands, only Mina is aware of his issues, and he'd prefer to maintain that level of privacy.

"You will witness it. Quickly get changed into the appropriate gym attire and proceed to Gym Gamma without delay. No hero costumes."

Hitoshi sighed. "Yes, sir."

As Aizawa and Uraraka walked off, he glanced apologetically at Mina. "Tell everyone I'm sorry."

"Oh no, you'll have to tell them by yourself." Her delicate lips curved up with malice. "I'm not going to face their wrath for something that has nothing to do with me."

"It has something to do with you! You're my lovely, kind, and amazing girlfriend; could you please do this for me, please?

She only laughed and leaned in, kissing him for a moment. "Anyway, I gotta go. I've got to do more planning."

"Has every class told you what they're doing?"

"Yep! That is every class that is taking part. At the very least, we have the majority, which means that the workforce is now openly assisting us. Nezu is actually collaborating with me to build a schedule; he's the one I'm meeting with right now. It should be completed today, and then all that remains is for the classes to prepare their particular duties!"

"Wow," Hitoshi exclaimed. "It appears that we'll be able to pull it off by this Saturday. That is if I ever get to practice with the band. But have fun with Nezu. Sounds like a good time."

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