Chapter 104: The Boy Born with Everything

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Kagekuni sighed wearily. "It has come to this, hasn't it? Stay safe, Hiyoriko, Kayama..."

"Divine General Nagendra."

[All for War Arc] The Boy Born with Everything

"I'm going to protect my family, even if it means turning all of the world's heroes and villains against me." - Izuku Shigaraki

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Nagendra, the most formidable shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique, exudes unparalleled power. Despite its awe-inspiring might, the user of the Ten Shadows Technique has managed to establish tenuous control over it.

Nagendra, an imposing figure, stands tall and muscular, adorned with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Suspended just above, a colossal eight-handled wheel commands attention. The shikigami's attire consists of black hakama bottoms and a white sash, effectively concealing its lower body.

Hiyoriko placed her hands down and let out a weary sigh. "Izuku, you better wake up, damn it," were her parting words before Nagendra abruptly swiped her aside, rendering her unconscious.

Referred to as a divine general, Nagendra embodies immense power and authority. Its aggression towards the summoner could arise from a blend of factors, including its inherent nature, a yearning for freedom, or a disdain for human existence. Viewing the summoner as nothing more than a means to an end, Nagendra considers them beneath its notice.

Ashoka forcefully kicked Izuku, but the agile boy managed to evade the attack. Nonetheless, the impact propelled him backward, forcing him to regain his footing just before crashing into the ground. Koyami released a suppressed sigh of relief, as she found it challenging to control Izuku's unconscious body.

Ashoka redirected his gaze towards Nagendra, his eyes filled with astonishment. " did a boy who once had no one manage to garner the loyalty and protection of so many?" Ashoka briefly glanced at the fallen Izuku lying motionless on the floor.

'Izuku Shigaraki, the boy blessed with everything.'

During that fleeting moment when Ashoka diverted his attention away from Nagendra, the shikigami seized the opportunity to strike, almost catching the King of Dragons off guard. However, he swiftly leaped back, narrowly avoiding the blow.

Ashoka wasted no time and lunged forward, his determination fueling his movements. With lightning speed, he unleashed a series of invisible slashes, each aimed directly at Nagendra with lethal precision. 

However, to Ashoka's astonishment, Nagendra effortlessly evaded every attack, displaying remarkable fluidity and agility in its movements.

Realizing the need to adjust his strategy, Ashoka tapped into his well of mana, summoning a surge of power for a more potent technique. Slashing through the air, he channeled his Sunder technique, resulting in the formation of a web-like structure known as Spiderweb, intended to ensnare Nagendra.

Yet Nagendra proved itself to be far from an easy target. The eight-handled wheel it possessed adapted swiftly to the surrounding mana and the toughness of the web. With a burst of strength, Nagendra shattered the web, freeing itself from Ashoka's carefully laid trap.

Gleaming ominously, the Sword of Extermination in Nagendra's hand signaled its fierce counterattack, striking with an incredible force that sent Ashoka staggering backward. The impact of Nagendra's blow reverberated through Ashoka's body, shaking him to his core.

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