Chapter 31: Izuku Midoriya; Origin II

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I nodded, feeling a newfound determination to push myself further. "Thanks, Aomi Senpai. I'll keep training hard, and I won't give up."

Aomi smiled, ruffling my hair affectionately. "That's the spirit. Now, let's get you patched up. We've got a lot more work to do, and I'm not going to take it easy on you."

[Training Camp Arc] Izuku Midoriya; Origin II

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Friedrich Nietzsche

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

It had been a year since I joined Exodus, and I'm just six years old. Miyagi informed me that it's time for my first mission. Throughout this time, Aomi and I have grown inseparable; she's like a big sister to me. She shows a soft side for me that she conceals from both Miyagi and Father, although she'd never admit it.

As I applied an ice pack to my eye, recovering from a serious beating by Aomi, I sat against the wall, trying to ease the pain. Aomi huffed and settled down next to me, sliding down the wall slowly.

She gazed up at the ceiling before turning her head in my direction. "Hey, Izuku," she playfully inquired. I looked back at her, wincing.

"If you could have any wish in the world, what would it be?" she asked with genuine curiosity. I pondered the question, staring at the ceiling with one open eye.

"My wish would be... no, my wish is to end the cycle of hatred by bringing an end to the war between Heroes and Villains," I replied honestly.

"That's a noble wish," she commented, giving me a slight nod of approval. I then turned the question back to her.

"What's your wish?" I inquired. She locked eyes with me and flashed her biggest smile.

"I think that's something you don't need to know just yet," she replied mysteriously.

I chuckled softly, still holding the ice pack to my eye. "Oh, come on, Aomi! You can't leave me hanging like that. We're practically siblings now, right?" I said, trying to emphasize our newfound camaraderie despite the recent rough encounter.

She looked at me skeptically, raising an eyebrow. "Siblings, huh? I beat you up like that, and you still want to be my brother?" Her tone was half-teasing, half-serious.

"Well, yeah," I said with a small grin. "Siblings don't always get along perfectly, but they still care about each other. Besides, you're not all bad. I can see there's more to you than just your tough exterior."

Aomi's expression softened slightly, and she glanced away for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. "You're strange, Izuku," she finally said, shaking her head with a hint of amusement.

"That's not the first time I've heard that," I replied with a sheepish grin. "But seriously, what's your wish? We're getting closer, right? I'd like to know more about you, and maybe I can help somehow."

She studied me for a moment before sighing, she leaned in close to me and whispered. "When we go on this mission, I'll tell you then."


The President of the Hero Public Safety Commission personally invited Aomi Furutani to join the agency when she was just a young girl. 

With an unwavering sense of optimism, she embraced her new identity as Lady Nagant, a hero in the making. Despite lacking a quirk, her exceptional combat skills and proficiency with firearms earned her the reputation as the best marksman in all of Japan, admired and envied even by heroes with long-range Quirks like Snipe.

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