Chapter 100: The Final Act Begins

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Gradually, the vision faded away, and Ashoka became aware of the cold floor beneath him. Sitting beside him was a caped figure, emanating an aura of mystery.

"I'm... cold," Ashoka murmured, his voice trailing off.

[All for War Arc] The Final Act Begins

"If an angelic being fell from the sky and tried to live in this world of ours I think even they would commit many wrongs." - Sui Ishida

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

Izuku marveled at the breathtaking view from within the Cursed Essence Prison. The range of his vision seemed endless, surpassing his expectations.

"To think they'd hide me in Nezu's office," Izuku mused to himself as he observed Nezu through the advantageous vantage point.

However, it wasn't an entirely perfect view. They had concealed him slightly behind a lamp on a coffee table, causing a slight distortion. Despite this, his vision remained relatively clear due to his positioning.

Uncertain whether this was an oversight on their part, Izuku saw it as an opportunity to strategize more freely. Nonetheless, he remained cautious of their true intentions.

"Say, Hayami, do you think the cube is augmenting their powers? If my suspicions are correct, each time I release mana, I may inadvertently leak it into the outside world while attempting to loosen the seal," Izuku contemplated, maintaining his lotus position.

During his previous mana release, he had only emitted a small amount, hoping to avoid drawing excessive attention from the outside world.

Now, Izuku had decided that there was no longer a need for such cautious increments. If they were able to detect his mana, all they could do was speculate about its significance.

"You seem to already know the answer, so whether I speak or not doesn't really matter," Hayami retorted, dismissing Izuku's words and returning to deep contemplation.

Izuku's query arose, "Can they restore the seal to its original strength?" His question was accompanied by a surge of mana, a potent force that would fortify the entire school. "Nah, they probably have no knowledge about that," he nonchalantly replied.

Yet, Izuku remained unaffected by the response.

The act of strengthening Yuuei to hasten the seal's recovery held little significance for him; such matters seemed trivial and inconsequential.

Instead, he was driven by an overpowering premonition—an intuition signaling the imminent occurrence of something momentous.

A tragic event was looming on the horizon.

"Finally, he's on the move," Nezu remarked, his gaze fixed upon the foreboding Cursed Essence Prison.

Izuku's short-awaited emergence into the world was now undeniable. The immense pressure he exerted was palpable, affecting everyone and everything around him.

Previously, there had been a vague sense of power emanating from the sphere, leaving uncertainty as to whether it originated from Izuku or was simply inherent to the Cursed Essence Prison itself.

Now, there was no doubt. It was unmistakably Izuku's doing.

The sensation... a chilling presence coursing through his body, slithering beneath his skin, poised to strike. It held the potential to consume him from within.

A nervous grin involuntarily escaped Nezu's face.


"He can't have gone far!" Endeavor barked, urgency lacing his voice. He strode towards the lab's exit, cradling the barely conscious Mirko in his arms.

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