Chapter 8: Two Sides of The Same Coin

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Izuku and Bakugo clashed fists, both sporting wide grins. "If you want to be number one, you'll have to defeat me first," Izuku declared, cringing internally but genuinely meaning it.

All Might watched the scene unfold with a proud and happy smile. 'I have no doubt that you two will become extraordinary heroes.'

[Yuuei Beginnings Arc] Two Sides of The Same Coin

With the announcement of All Might joining the faculty at Yuuei High School, the press swarmed the campus, eager to get a scoop on the legendary hero. Amongst the chaos, Izuku slipped away from the crowd using his shadow gate, only to find himself face-to-face with a curious reporter.

"Excuse me, young man. Could you share your insights on All Might being a teacher at Yuuei?" the reporter inquired, pressing for information.

Izuku squinted, momentarily taken aback. "All Might is now a teacher for the Heroics Course. He possesses exceptional teaching abilities and imparts the essence of true heroism to his students," he replied, managing to maintain his composure. Deep down, however, he couldn't help but feel a sense of discomfort at having to vocalize these words.

Meanwhile, Shota Aizawa, the homeroom teacher for Class 1-A, made an announcement. He declared that it was time for the class to elect a president. After the subsequent poll, Izuku and Momo emerged as the chosen class president and vice president, respectively.

"Why would they burden me with such a monotonous role?" Izuku groaned inwardly, mentally preparing himself for lunch with his group.

Hayami, attempting to uplift Izuku's spirits, chimed in, "Perhaps this experience will provide you with valuable lessons on leadership for the future."

Gathering in the mess hall, Izuku, Hitoshi, Shoto, Itsuka, Momo, Ochako, Kyo, and Tenya sat together for lunch. Since their only commonality was their friendship with Izuku, they took the opportunity to introduce themselves and forge a deeper connection.

"Hey, Kyo-san, and Kayama-san, I couldn't help but notice the tattooed numbers on your necks. Would you mind sharing more about them?" Tenya's question piqued everyone's curiosity, as such tattoos were uncommon and garnered attention.

"I don't feel like discussing that story right now," Kyo replied curtly, picking up her tray and walking away. Izuku, concerned, frowned and hurriedly followed her.

"They both gave the same response. Something is definitely going on," Hitoshi mused to himself, his eyes narrowing as he observed Izuku trailing behind Kyo.

"Kyo, can you please wait a second?" Izuku called out, but she remained silent.

"Zero, just leave me alone. You're all people I'd rather not talk to," Kyo responded, her voice tinged with a sniffle.

"Kyo, I..." Suddenly, the siren blared throughout Yuuei, signaling an intruder in the school. The lunch hall erupted into chaos as students hurriedly evacuated. Lost in the crowd, Izuku watched Kyo disappear from his sight.

In the commotion, he was jolted against the window, causing it to crack slightly. A trickle of blood streamed down his forehead, and that was when Izuku reached his limit. He glanced outside and noticed the presence of the mass media, realizing that the siren wasn't signaling an intruder but rather the media's desperate attempt to seek answers about All Might.

"Hayami, amplify my voice," he commanded, knowing that when combined with his quirk, it would have a commanding effect on everyone.

"Understood," she replied, her voice steady as the seal on his face emitted a vibrant green glow.

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