Chapter 63: I've Always Loved You

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"You're not going any further," Hanta hissed. "Not even one step closer to my school."

"La Brava," the man remarked to the young woman, removing his eyeglasses and mask to expose a white goatee and piercing blue eyes. "Start the filming."

[Zenin Clan Arc] I've Always Loved You

"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."Arnold Schwarzenegger

-You Can Be A Hero Too-

"Alright, Hiyoriko," Kagekuni began, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "The first step towards unlocking your shadow magic is to determine which type you possess." He clapped his palms together, emphasizing his point. "However, given that our DNA is 50% identical, there's a chance you possess a rare form of shadow magic known as taboo shadow magic."

"Taboo shadow magic?" Hiyoriko repeated, her hand tilting to the side in curiosity.

"It's a type of magic that doesn't fit into any of the four main categories," Kagekuni explained. "But before we can begin your magical training, you need to activate your Mana."

"How do I activate it?" Hiyoriko inquired.

"Well, we'll find out. Think of it as a long, strong thread with a pool of mana at the end. Enter your thoughts, follow that thread, and make contact with the pool. It might take a while, which is why we're starting early in the day," Kagekuni elaborated.

With a determined nod, Hiyoriko positioned herself with her legs crossed, ready to delve into her thoughts and locate the thread. She furrowed her brows, diving deeper until the pale white strand caught her attention. As soon as her gaze fell upon it, she found herself completely immersed in her thoughts.

"Izuku!" she exclaimed with excitement. However, he didn't turn back, his back facing her. It pained her heart to see his indifference.

"Izuku, please turn around and look at me," Hiyoriko pleaded, fighting back tears. She knew that crying in his presence would only make her feel more vulnerable, something she desperately wanted to avoid.

Feeling a sense of shame, she cast her gaze downward, contemplating how he would perceive her. The possibility of his forgiveness seemed bleak. "I am fully aware of the horror of my actions and the unforgivable nature of hurting someone I love. I don't expect you to understand my reasons, but I do ask that you listen to what I have to say."


"After all, within a year, I intend to escape from this place, and I plan to take all of you with me," he declared confidently, finishing his statement before casually walking away, waving at her with one hand while the other rested in his pocket.

As the words sank in, Kyo couldn't help but question herself, thinking, 'What sets his plan apart from mine?' Her mind raced, trying to discern the differences and understand the motivations behind his bold declaration.

Carefully observing Zero, Kyo found herself captivated by his enigmatic demeanor. He exuded an aura of strength, intelligence, and unpredictability, making it difficult for her to decipher his true intentions. Despite her initial reluctance, she noticed how he consistently made an effort to include her in their discussions. Even when unintentionally causing her pain, he would promptly check in with her, ensuring her well-being and showing a side of him that both puzzled and intrigued her.

Reflecting on the recent conversation she had with Himiko, Kyo felt encouraged to gradually open up and reveal more of herself to the group. She realized that Zero's presence played a part in this newfound willingness to let her guard down.

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