Chapter 13: After All This Time

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"How do you want to approach this? Start with hand-to-hand combat and then transition to using our quirks?" Izuku suggested, to which Bakugo grinned, assuming a wide stance.

"You read my mind."

[Sports Festival Arc] After All This Time

Bakugo assumed a defensive stance, anticipating Izuku's charge, but to his surprise, nothing happened. The raven-haired boy stood solemnly, observing him. Bakugo's confusion replaced his initial tension. "What's your plan? We've already started."

"I'm aware," Izuku calmly replied. Bakugo took a slow step to the side. "Weren't you ready to fight me? No intention of attacking?"

Izuku shook his head. "Nah. I witnessed what you did with Yao-Yao. You manipulated her like a puppet on a string. I won't allow you to make a fool out of me like that." A hint of a smirk danced on his lips. "I'm not some girl you defeated before. If you want a real battle, then fight me like a man. Come at me, Habanero." He remained rooted in his spot.

Bakugo's brow furrowed. "Fine," he snarled. Bakugo stretched his arms, preparing himself. "Be careful, Izuku, you might get hurt!" Igniting his explosions, he charged forward, launching his signature right hook.

Izuku's mind raced. 'It must be a feint. There's no way he would- Erk!' Overthinking his opponent's attack, Izuku narrowly avoided a punch to the jaw. They engaged in a rapid exchange of blows, their bodies moving in sync, but Bakugo could sense he was falling behind.

The hand-to-hand combat persisted for a couple of minutes, with each landing equal strikes. However, Izuku's superior knowledge of martial arts made him the clear victor. Bakugo shifted the battle to quirks, unleashing a blast toward Izuku. In response, the latter swiftly crossed his arms in an X-position, effectively blocking the blow.

Izuku hesitated to rely on his shadow. Using it would give him an unfair advantage, and he wanted the match to last a little longer, making it more challenging and satisfying.

"No sword, no shadows... Lend me your power, Nanami, Koyami, Hayami, Sasami," Izuku muttered, making a sweeping gesture. Instantly, his arms and legs were encased in vibrant green armor. His eyes glowed with a similar hue, and he gripped a simplistic, yet menacing, green dagger. 

Although actual weapons were prohibited, incorporating them into his "quirk" was acceptable.

They lunged at each other, and Bakugo noticed that Izuku's strikes packed more force than before, thanks to his newfound green armor. The intensity of the battle forced Bakugo into a defensive stance, fueling his frustration.

"What's wrong, Kacchan? Thought you were going to be the strongest?" Izuku taunted.

Bakugo snarled. "Shut up!"


Izuku was sent hurtling across the platform, barely stopping before reaching the boundary line. Bakugo turned around, but he refrained from pursuing his black-haired opponent.

"Damn it!" the blonde exclaimed. "Why do I have to fight you now?" Izuku rose to his feet, his head tilted in confusion.

"I thought I was going to win!" Bakugo yelled, his voice filled with frustration. "I wanted to prove to myself that I was worthy of being the victor!"

Izuku burst into laughter, unable to contain his amusement. "Deserving of what? Who do you think is the biggest egotistical maniac of the year?" Bakugo's head shot up, causing Izuku to instinctively take a step back.


With a swift motion, Bakugo lunged at Izuku, his hand outstretched. Reacting quickly, Izuku ducked under his arm and spun around, attempting to deliver a kick that would send the blonde over the line. However, Bakugo managed to dodge it, spinning around to face Izuku. 

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