[Sports Festival Arc] Class 1-B vs. Class 1-A

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"I'll only do this because I owe Zero a few favors. So, what's the name of this group?"

"We are FOWL."

[Sports Festival Arc] Class 1-B vs. Class 1-A

After the USJ attack, the school remained closed for a few days to provide support for the students who had been targeted by the villains. 

On one particular night, Izuku found himself alone at home while Nemuri was attending a school meeting. His dinner that evening was simple yet satisfying - a serving of rice accompanied by a juicy steak and eggs. Aware of Nemuri's absence, he made sure to leave a portion for her, considering her return.

As he sat down to eat, the events of the attack flooded his mind. He couldn't help but delicately touch the spot on his head where a deep cut had once been. Although it had already healed, the memory of blood streaming down his face evoked a sense of vulnerability within him. Izuku felt a burning determination to become stronger. With his supper finished, he swiftly cleaned the dishes and retired to bed, ensuring he would be asleep by the time Nemuri returned.

-The Next Day-

Everyone in Class 1-A took their seats, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement. Hagakure couldn't contain her joy as she exclaimed, "Did you guys watch the news last night?"

"Yeah," Ojiro responded, acknowledging the topic.

"It was amazing to see us on screen, even if it was just for a few seconds. Although I'm pretty sure nobody noticed me in the background," Hagakure murmured, resting her hand on her chest.

"I doubt that," Shoji replied in a flat tone, not quite convinced by her self-doubt.

"It can be challenging to stand out when all you have are gloves," Ojiro commented, trying to uplift her spirits.

The conversation among the students continued, revolving around the numerous news networks reporting on their school. Some expressed concerns about who would be teaching the class while Aizawa-sensei remained in the hospital.

With perfect timing, the door slid open, revealing a figure wrapped in bandages. Aizawa, his face completely obscured, entered the room. The only recognizable feature was his familiar black hair. "Good morning, Class."

Stunned and surprised, everyone erupted into screams. "What are you doing here, Aizawa-sensei?" they exclaimed, unable to believe their eyes. Aizawa ignored their questions and made his way slowly to the podium, his movements slightly hampered by a limp. Izuku couldn't believe that Aizawa was up and about. "I have some exciting news for you: the Yuuei Sports Festival is about to begin."

"Let's go kick some ass!" Kirishima blurted out, his enthusiasm met with a quick response from Iida, who covered Kirishima's face with his palm to silence him.

"Hold on a minute. Do you think this is a good idea?" Some students expressed concerns about organizing the event so soon after the USJ attack. However, Aizawa assured them that the administration had approved it, seeing it as an opportunity to demonstrate that the issue was being addressed and that the school was safer than ever.

"The Sports Festival is the most viewed event on the planet. Once, people were captivated by the Olympic Games. But with the emergence of quirks, the scale and viewership of the Olympics have drastically decreased. There is only one tournament that truly matters for those who care about competitiveness—the Yueei Sports Festival," Aizawa stated with conviction.

"That's true! And top heroes from all over the world will be watching. This is our chance to get scouted," Sero exclaimed, clenching his fist in determination.

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