Chapter 17: Things Are Starting To Move

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Kyo placed a reassuring hand on Izuku's shoulder, offering him a comforting look. Tank returned with Ida, and others rushed to their aid.

"We need to get him to a hospital, along with the rest of you. You've all sustained injuries," said Gunhead, pointing towards Ida. "Let's go."

[Vs. Musashi Arc] Things Are Starting To Move

"A few minor scratches and bruises, nothing serious," the doctor reported, jotting down some notes. "Your iron levels were quite low, but we've replenished them. You should be good to go."

"Iron..." Tetsutetsu clenched his fist. "That's what my Quirk drains from me."

"It was tough, huh?" Eijiro Kirishima scratched the back of his neck. "That's the longest I've maintained my Hardening since the USJ incident."

"Those little creature things didn't stand a chance against us, though!" Tetsutetsu grinned.

"Haha, yeah." After the strange, misshapen Nomu had split into smaller versions of itself, it had been up to the two of them to take them out. It felt like fighting a horde of really durable ten-year-olds.

"Well, in any case..." the doctor finished writing. "You're both free to leave."

As the two boys exited the hospital room, they found a police captain waiting outside. Fourth Kind was conversing with him. "Oh, there they are," Fourth Kind said, wearing a neutral expression. "This is Captain Kamado, boys."

Tetsutetsu raised an eyebrow. "Are we in trouble?"

The policeman shook his head. "No, you boys did quite well. Fourth Kind here tells me that both of you used your Quirks within the permitted guidelines. I can't say the same for some of your classmates, though."

Eijiro turned pale. "Our class...?"

'Kayama,' he thought, growing concerned.

Fourth Kind and the policeman exchanged an uncomfortable glance. "Gunhead's team managed to capture Yama before he could detonate. According to our reports, he had a self-destruction Quirk. However, the League members who launched the Nomu attack managed to escape."


The atmosphere in that hospital room was strange and silent, thought Kyori Hosaka.

She lay in the bed nearest the window on the right. Todoroki, with one arm bandaged, and Uraraka, with parts of her face and left foot covered, followed her to the door. Sero, with bandages on his head and both legs, stood across from them. Ibara had a wrapped arm and leg. Finally, Iida had both his arms in slings.

'Those Nomu were no joke,' Kyori thought to herself. She and Uraraka had felt helpless against them. And it seemed the same applied to everyone else in the room.

"So, umm..." Kyori sneezed. "Can you guys tell me what happened to you?"

"I tried to fight Yama," Iida bowed his head, his glasses concealing his eyes. He seemed embarrassed. "Kayama saved my life."

Ibara looked confused, glancing between Kyori and Uraraka. "And what about you? What happened to you, Uraraka-san, and you, Hosaka-san?"

Sero was the only one still asleep in the room. In fact, he was the only person who had managed to get any sleep at all.

"Well, like how you informed everyone of your location..." Shoto began. "...wait. Was it because you needed help with... Yama?"

"I only sent them out because Kayama-kun alerted me, then he suddenly vanished into his shadow."

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