59. HER

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Soul seers are people who can see and predict the future of a person's soulmate through a medium or through a direct touch. These people are rare and thought to be divinely blessed. They are often times born with a complete soul.


Hushed whispers and giggles.

Feeling something tickling his nose and cheeks, his nose crinkles and waves his hands upon his face, waving away whatever is touching his cheeks. He then turns to his side as he resumes with his slumber. It doesn't even come to mind how he is no longer laying on a soft comfortable bed.

A bubbly burst of laughter is heard but immediately stops with someone hushing, like someone is keeping their mirth within. It's like a secret that meant to be kept sealed within the confines of their lips. It's like a childish melody to his ears, filling his heart with warmth he cannot understand, yet he stays still, not even questioning the disturbance it creates.

His brows furrow.

He feels it yet again. Someone or two... or three... he doesn't know as they do something at his back. Perhaps they are his hyungs. Whoever they are, they seem to have been playing childish games.

As seconds ticks away, his patience has been tested. However, it's like a daily occurrence that he is so used to, and doesn't weigh any annoyance at all.

Another giggle. Another hushed and adorable warning.

He smiles. It's as if, they are in a dungeon with treasures where noise is not a choice for a monster could awaken. It's just like those scenes of his favorite heroes, as they are about to battle the fire breathing dragon, they reenact as kids.

Kids. Something ticks and soon he realizes.

His eyes open wide and the first thing that he sees is his face, with a hideous make up, on the reflection. He is like Joker with an electrifying blue eye shadow and an ultra-dramatic drawn out lines for lashes. It's as if somehow a wannabe artist had just made a clown out of him. He can't help but smile with how ridiculous he looks.

His attention is then grabbed with some movements at his back, closer to his head. He squints and can now clearly see what it is through the mirror.

"No! Papa sleeping." A cute little girl, who he surmises is four, is pouting, warning a cute little baby boy, who is crawling to his location. The said tiny human is giggling, babbling a language a toddler can only know. The baby boy has humongous sparkly almond eyes with a very familiar pair of plump lips. Like him, he has make-up all over his face. Before he could react, the toddler pulls his shirt by his shoulder, using it as his leverage as he attempts to stand up.

The little girl comes after with pouty red lips, followed by another girl who can't seem to stop giggling. Both girls look the same more like identical. Maybe because both have dimples. They both have their shiny dark hair in pigtails and dress that are identical in color. They both have huge doe eyes with double eyelids. However, the latter is obviously older by a year or two... he doesn't really know.

'Ahhh. There's the culprit.' He thought as he notices the uncapped red lipstick that the older is holding.

He attempts to move, causing the baby boy to wobble to his feet. His heart almost drops when the baby ultimately loses his balance. Fortunately, a pair of tattooed hands lifts the baby up and blows babbles on his tummy, earning them an earful happy squeal of laughter.

"Gosh, you little man indeed has your father's genes. In fact, you can beat Jin-hyung with that squeal." The man coos.

His brain can't process.

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