"This isnt real."

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This was requested by belltommo28 I hope it's okay.

It's a longgggggg one. Grab some snacks and get comfy. Enjoy :)

3rd person P.O.V

Louis sat down in the chair opposite Max Briar, the manager of his record label. He was called to his office very early on March 5th and was only told it was to discuss his album that was coming out in just over three months. "How are you doing, Louis?" Max greeted warmly, his hands clasped on the top of the desk.

"I'm good." Louis replied, he had been in Max's label for almost two years and he had only spoken to him when needed but he seemed like a really genuine and nice guy, which made a change from all the old managers he used to have to deal with.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about the publicity we need to get before your album is released. This should have already have been explained to you." Max started. "And I have been thinking about what we could do to maximise the amount of people we could reach. Your album is great, I've heard it. I want others to be able to know who you are and check out your music." He took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair. "Look, you're one of the higher artists in my label, but your music is only reaching a specific group of people, I know you could go further if people just discovered who you were."

Louis nodded, wondering where this conversation was going, he knew that he'd have to do publicity before the album dropped but he didn't quite know what.

"So I've been talking to a few other managers lately and we've come up with a plan." Max carried on. "There's another big artist here who's album is dropping only a few days after yours. We figured that if we could merge your publicity with his it would be easier and may actually gain more attention. Now, the plan is for you to have a fake relationship, only for a few months give or take. You're already out so there's no need to have to handle any of that."

"Hang on." Louis tried to get his head around what he was told. "You want me to fake date some guy I don't know for publicity for our albums?" He clarified.

"Yes. You're both some of the most popular pop singers at the moment and doing this, would gain attention from media outlets all over the world, people who have never heard your name before will see articles about you. It's the perfect option for getting the attention we need for you album before it drops." Max sat forward again. "All you've got to do is go out on dates, get your picture taken, maybe a Instagram post here and there and that's it. You don't have to like the guy you just need to look in love when there's a camera. You'll stay together until around two months after the album releases so it doesn't look suspicious. We'll just say that it didn't work out and you're going to stay friends." He noticed Louis' hesitation. "Look I know this sounds like a lot but it's the best option. And it happens all the time in the music industry."

"Who's the guy?" Louis asked, voicing his first worry, he really hoped it wasn't someone who he despised.

"Harry Styles."

Louis had heard of him before, he'd never met him, not officially anyway. They'd bumped into each other a year ago, it was clear that both boys weren't having a great day and they had a little heated conversation before walking away. They hadn't really interacted much since then.

"Do I even have a choice?" Louis asked.

"Not this time." Max sighed. "Look it won't be that bad. Maybe you'll become friends." He grabbed a piece of paper that was sat on the edge of the desk. "It's only for five or six months at most. I'll call you when you need to meet with him and where the paparazzi will be and for how long."

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