3. Apology

328 4 0

Pairing: Marcel/Tommy (M/m) 1x paddle, 3x hand (mild)

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Same Day

Jeremy pulled his hands out of his pocket while his art teacher approached the studio.

"Mr. Wheeler? Hey, I'm real sorry about earlier," Jeremy started as he put his hands back in his pocket. "I was out of line earlier."

"Jeremy, thanks for coming back and talking about it. I had to report that you took off without permission. I imagine they called your parents by now," the older balding man alerted him.

"Called my parents?" Jeremy asked in alarm. "My dad is going to be mad."

"You mean Mr. Mikaelson?" Mr. Wheeler asked. "It's just that I knew your father, Grayson. He saved my niece's life. He was a great man and doctor."

"Yeah, he was. But my dad now saved me from a pretty bad time, too. Klaus is strict, but...I guess I need that. Anyway, I'm sorry again about being disrespectful and walking out. It had nothing to do with you," Jeremy clarified.

"Thanks, Jeremy. You know I'm always here if you need someone to talk to. You are a founding family member and with that comes certain responsibilities. Mystic Falls is a special place," the teacher said as he entered his large classroom.

"Ah, yeah, thanks. I'll keep that in mind," Jeremy said. Ric had encouraged him to apologize, but suddenly the art teacher was making his skin crawl. Jeremy looked at his watch and sprinted to the parking lot. He had asked his siblings to wait for him. Now, he just wanted to get home, even if he was going to get in trouble. Jeremy knew Mr. Wheeler wasn't a council member...What the hell was he talking about?


Ride Home

Even though the events three months prior had been upsetting involving Rachael and inappropriate pictures, she and Connor had gotten a lot closer. He had made it very clear that he cared about Rachael and would kill anyone who hurt her. They had ended up working on the kids' tree house project together. Connor did all the design of the structure and Rachael decorated and handled the inside. Erik and Jeremy also helped with the painting and physical work. Their Uncle Elijah had insisted on having his guy Hector handle the electrical work, but eventually, they had power, lights, internet, and cable. It became the little hide away haven when the teens needed a respite from parents, rules, and each other. What started as a place for Finn and Henrik became a teen hangout. The younger kids preferred the actual woods or the indoor playscapes. The pool was now functional all year around. It was heated and had a slide and net for volleyball and a pool basketball hoop. When the little kids did descend on the tree house, the big kids found a secondary location: the safe rooms. Klaus had forbade them to do this, but with him distracted, it became a cool party spot.

"Work on the tree house after school today?" Rachael asked pulling an earbud out of Connor's ear.

"I don't know. I told my friend Brian he could come over. His wood shop project is a disaster and he needs some help," Connor shared.

"Ugh, Brian is so gross. He went out with my friend Meghan and sneezed in her mouth when they were kissing. She developed a phobia. Can't you blow him off? I want to finish the slide today," Rachael insisted.

Connor shrugged, "Maybe he won't even show. The slide is going to be awesome. Uncle Elijah got the lumber for it over the weekend."

Dana rolled her eyes, "You two are like giant kids about this stupid tree house. By the time it is actually finished, we'll be in college."

The Prince of Mystic Falls, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now