59. More Secrets

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Pairing: Freya/Elijah-Klaus (F/MM) hand, wooden spoon


Mystic Falls, Virginia

Monday, May 22, 2011

As the trio walked back to where Dana had parked the black family SUV, Tommy quipped, "Hey, we should go have a drink at the Grill!"

"Yeah, every other teen in this town does, why not us?" Rachael answered, looking in the window of the popular hang-out.

Dana shrugged, "I guess we could compel the bartender...But it's only 2pm."

"Guys, I was just kidding. My dad is literally across the street," Tommy pointed out. "And I think Davina's in for a ass whooping as is. I don't want to join her."

Rachael grinned, "But 'ain't you from Louisiana?' Connor and Erik brag that y'all are built tougher down there. All those stories we have heard..."

Tommy grimaced, "I ain't that tough. And I also ain't dumber than a box of hammers...My mom is an Original vamp, she can smell beer from like a mile away."

Dana and Rachael burst out laughing. Dana quipped, "That might be an exaggeration, but we'll come back with those other Louisiana boys one day. We don't wanna get your 'perfect' little butt in trouble."

"I don't know why Davina said that. I get in trouble, too. Just not like her with that backtalk." Tommy blushed, "And I'm not afraid, I just...I have stuff to do today. Okay?"

Rachael nodded, "Yeah, sure. No, it's cool. We were just kidding anyway. Right, Dana?"

The other pale redhead agreed, "Yeah, we were just screwing with you. You kinda look like you're 15 anyway."

Tommy fired back, "I am 15! Jeez, can we just go home already. You guys are something else."

Dana and Rachael fist-bumped. Rachael grinned, "So we have been told."

Salvatore Boarding House

Late Afternoon

Elijah shook hands with Ric and delivered Stefan personally to the boarding house. Ric thanked the elegant vampire and said he hoped it wasn't too much trouble.

"Not at all. Stefan is a fine young man. But I hope that next time he thinks things through a little better. His friend Lexi was not pleased with his escapade either. Was she, Stefan?"

"No, sir. Thanks again," Stefan said stiffly.

"Of course. I better get my family home. The kids have been squabbling for at least the last three hours. They need to get home," Elijah said.

Elijah said goodbye and went to the waiting limo.

Ric opened his arms and Stefan bolted to him. Ric held Stefan and rubbed his back.

"Sorry, Ric. I thought I could...I don't know what I was thinking," Stefan admitted.

Ric grasped Stefan's head and kissed his forehead. "It's okay, buddy. You're home now. Everything is going to be okay."

In that second, Stefan was flooded with the realization that he was home and with family. He teared up and then let the tears fall without shame.

"I get it now. You are the father we never had, maybe the one we always needed. Damon has another chance at life. You and Jenna can give him the love and support that he never had before," Stefan breathed. "It took me a while, but I get it. I really do."

"Yeah, Son, you're going get it," Ric smiled. "Meaning you are getting your butt torn up tonight. And you'll be lucky if I do it before Jenna does, she was awfully worried. Oh, you also have to deal with your girlfriend."

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