75. Wolf Attacks, Again

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Pairing: Liz Forbes/Caroline (F/f) hand, hairbrush

"We are never alone
We are all wolves
Howling to the same moon."
― Atticus Poetry

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Sunday, May 28, 2011

Tyler woke up covered in cold sweat to find Matt starting at him, hovering over his bed.

"What, man?" Tyler groaned. "You're fucking creeping me out."

Matt looked around, only Jeremy was still sleeping this late. The other boys had headed down to eat.

"You were...um, doing it again," Matt said carefully. "That thing where you are moaning and talking in your sleep."

"Shit. I was dreaming I was a wolf again. And, I was looking for something or someone. I can't remember who. Maybe I should just move in with Caroline. I don't do this at her house," Tyler said, as he heaved himself up. He got a bag of animal blood from the small frig. It tasted like shit, but better than the burning hunger in the pit of his stomach.

"Yeah, I was surprised you were back last night," Matt admitted. "But Dad would never let you move out. You should know that."

"I guess. But Caroline got in trouble yesterday. She went out with Elena and Bonnie when she was grounded. I know she's supposed to be an angel now, but some of the shit she pulls these days...," Tyler shook his head after taking a sip of the bitter tasting liquid. It also tasted like plastic to him. He wanted to hunt, even fresh animal blood was better than this garbage.

"What? Tastes bad? Go ahead, drink off of me," Matt offered, holding out his wrist.

Tyler would normally have declined, but today he felt off. That dream. It was tugging at the edge of his consciousness.

"Thanks," Tyler said. "I owe you, man."

Tyler vamped over to Matt and bite into his wrist. The blood was good and pure, Tyler drank hungrily and then couldn't seem to break away. His eyes almost rolled back.

A second later, he realized that Jeremy was hitting him on the arms.

"Stop! Help someone!" Jeremy was yelling.

Tyler pulled his fangs out of Matt's wrist. He listened for his heartbeat, it was strong. He bit into his own wrist and then fed Matt some blood before he could resist. It would heal the gaping wound now gushing blood from Matt's pale wrist. The blond teen looked confused as Tyler pressed his wrist to Matt's mouth. But after just a few drops of vampire blood hit his system, he perked up and his wounds healed.

"Sorry, I don't know what happened," Tyler apologized. "I went into a trance or something."

Jeremy sat Matt on the bed and got him a bottle of water.

"Here, Matt. I think I just saved your life," Jeremy spat.

"I'm okay," Matt said, taking the water. "But, thanks. Your blood tasted like metal."

Tyler wiped at the blood dripping down from his mouth. "Sorry, Man. I-I don't k-know what happened. You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good. Um, you should go take a shower. You smell like a dead dog," Matt shared, trying to smile, but faltering. Tyler clapped him on the back and then got his clothes.

Jeremy was giving him a harsh look, but Tyler ignored it. He did reek.

Forbes Residence

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