45. Duty

200 3 0

Pairing: Jenna/Enzo (F/m) paddle

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Wednesday, May 17, 2011

"They did what?" Rebekah said into her cell phone. She and Georgie were on their way home from shopping.

"What?" Georgie asked bluntly. Rebekah liked her, but the newly made vampire was a little rough around the edges.

Rebekah hung up with Freya and explained, "Our beloved boys got into a bit of a tussle."

"A fight? They were fucking fighting? Jesus christ, I thought Kol told me he didn't do that shit anymore...," Georgie exclaimed, she tightened her pony tail.

"He doesn't and neither does Marcel. Kol found some kind of dark object in the house, our house, that was his at one point. Marcel apparently took it out of his bedroom...a long time ago," Rebekah trailed off. "A lot went down. It would take me a decade to explain it all to you."

"Ugh, it sounds sinister," Georgie reported. "But I went to hell, so it can't be all that bad."

"You ever spend 90 years locked in a coffin?" They pulled up in Rebekah's driveway, "Darn, I should have driven you home. I think Kol left or was sent home. Look, maybe Aaron is still here."

"Yeah, I'll hang until the movie is over, if it's okay. And if give me some of your blood, I'll even tell your husband that all those bags are mine," Georgie laughed.

"It's a deal, but only one blood bag. We don't want you turning into a fiend. And for the record, Marcel isn't exactly my husband. We've been engaged for about 150 years so maybe it is time we tied the knot. You know in our village, they actually did tie people's hands together for their wedding?"

Georgie scoffed, "I did not know that. And yeah, I think it's time, you have a whole household of rugrats."

"We don't have time. I had to leave the kids, so we would have to have the wedding at the house. Ugh, all that cleaning. And if Marcel discovers those bags, he'll never seal the deal. He's also been on me for spending too much money for at least over a century. And I suppose he's bloody right, but those outfits were too cute," Rebekah gushed.

"Not sure your son will wear that pink shirt, but yeah," Georgie laughed. "In your defense, none of the things you bought were actually for you."

"True. Tommy will wear that lovely shirt if he realizes what's good for him. And that his new mum is a fashion expert," Rebekah said, popping the trunk.

Georgie got out to help with the bags and looked up at the magnificent house in front of her.

"What is it like? To live so long?...you said a century like it is five minutes," Georgie remarked. She picked up all the bags she could grip.

Rebekah grinned, "Kol said you were strong. I hope you will find out. Not all baby vamps make it past a year. I know it seems like we are being dicks about limiting your blood, but we've seen too many die far too soon."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence," Georgie grinned.

"Us girls have to stick together," Rebekah retorted.

Mikaelson Mansion

Freya's Lab

Dana heard a sharp, "Stop!" before she took a closer look at the vase.

"Mom, I wasn't going to touch it," Dana replied, rolling her eyes.

"You should go up and start getting ready for bed. You have school tomorrow," Freya reminded her.

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