72. A Lack of Fireworks

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Pairing: Cami/Penny (F/f) paint stick, hand, mild

"Me? I go wherever the wind blows...and wherever the whiskey shots are half price."
― Nicki Elson

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Saturday, May 27, 2011


Penny slipped out of her bed and walked over to the other side where Danny and Liv slept.

"Pssst! Are you guys awake?" Penny hissed.

After one or several of the adults tucked them in, there was little chance of someone coming in to check on them again.

Liv rolled over, "What, Pen?"

"Let's go back to the party!" Penny suggested with a grin. She knew the teens were allowed up late tonight.

"I'm tired. My moms would kill me if I went down there," Liv groaned.

"You never get in trouble, Liv. You are such a scaredy cat. Wake up, Danny. Let's go," Penny demanded.

"No, I'm not. You'll get caught. Your parents already took your iPad," Liv added. "I'm not getting grounded."

"Are you serious? Fine. Danny will come," Penny urged. She shook Danny's shoulder and roused her from a deep sleep.

"Danny, come on. Let's go see what we are missing," Penny whispered.

Danny sat up and looked around in confusion. She grumbled, "What time is it?"

"I don't know. 11?" Penny guessed. "Hurry up."

Danny stumbled out of bed. "Let me go to the bathroom first." Danny had been going without her pull-ups, but her parents were careful to limit drinks before bed. Some nights, Vanessa or Elijah would also remind her to use the restroom before bed. They hadn't tonight because of all the excitement of getting everyone showered before bed. The parents were pretty strict about everyone showering after swimming in the pool. Elijah had joked with the girls that their hair would turn green from the chlorine if they didn't wash it.

"Okay, come on," Penny urged. She was wearing a t-shirt and matching short pjs. Danny had a night gown on. "And put on shorts."

Danny scowled at Penny. Sometimes she hated how bossy she was, but as usual, she went along with her stubborn cousin.

The girls tiptoed downstairs. As they finally entered the kitchen, they could hear the other kids outside.

"See, they are still out there!" Penny laughed. "I bet they are kissing and doing other things..."

"Other things?" Danny asked in confusion. "Like what?"

"Shhh," Penny snapped. "They will hear us. You're so loud!"

Danny rolled her eyes, but didn't refute Penny's assertion. She knew the other girl was an untriggered werewolf with sharper hearing and sight than her own.

The duo continued in the dim recessed lighting of the kitchen into the Great Room. They made their way to the glass door on their bellies, lying prone. If it wasn't for Sadie, no one would have caught them.

Patio/Pool Area

The older teens sat around the stairs of the elaborate pool area, mostly with their feet in the warm water, passing around a bottle of whiskey. Angela sat on Connor's lap, while Jo, Dana, and Rachael sat to his right. Jeremy, Erik, Matt, and Silas sat on the left. Kai, Tommy, Davina, and Aaron sat on the stairs in the water. Tyler had left with Caroline. Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan had left fifty minutes before. Ric had let them stay longer, but picked them up at midnight.

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