43. His Own Way

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Pairing: Jenna/Enzo (F/m) hand

"Two worst things as can happen to a child is never to have his own way - or always to have it."
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

Wednesday, May 17, 2011

Salvatore Boarding House

"Enzo! Damon! It's lunchtime," Jenna called. She had just put the twins in their high chairs.

"Da, da, da," Sommer gurgled.

Jenna rolled her eyes and then smiled, "Mama is who feeds ya, little girl." Sommer shrieked and knocked her suctioned on toy to the floor. "And is here all the time...but you're gonna say Daddy first, I know."

Sommer cooed and grunted for her fallen toy. Jenna wondered how she already was able to knock the suctioned toy off the tray with her small hands.

"But you are strong, you get that from me, too," Jenna grinned. Grayson slammed down his fist and made his puffs jump and laughed. Jenna smiled at him and gave him some more. At lease he was enjoying himself.

"Where are those boys?" Jenna muttered, as she picked up the toy and went to rinse it at the sink. She turned the newly installed small tv on the counter up to a children's show. The twins really did like the music, even if it was extremely annoying. With her psychology background, she had always been always too much electronics and television for kids...But now she got it.

Jenna now had two infants and two rambunctious boys to watch during the day. No part of this was easy, she really needed some help, but after the last babysitter turned out to be an Augustine, Jenna was trying to tough it out. Over the summer, Stefan, Elena, and Bonnie would be around to help her, but they still had three days left of school. She could make it, she determined.

"Boys! Get your butts down here now!" Jenna hollered from the doorway to the huge kitchen in irritation. The twins looked at her in surprise and then went back to their lunches.

"Sorry, guys. Momma is going get out the wooden spoon in one second. But not for you," Jenna cooed with a laugh. "I know you two are going to be perfect."

Damon and Enzo ran in the kitchen like they were running from a firing squad.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Boys, slow down. You are going to get hurt. Again. What did we tell you about running?" Jenna chided. "Oh God, I sound like my old Aunt Mabel...Now, sit and eat your sandwiches!"

Damon slipped and landed on his chubby rear, "Owww, Enzo, I won!"

Jenna went over, "Are you hurt? Running in socks is even more dangerous."

After she ascertained Damon was fine, she steered him into the chair. Enzo was laughing and holding his stomach.

"Damon cheated! He's a loser," Enzo shouted.

Jenna frowned, "That is enough. Sit and eat, please. If I have to tell you one more time..."

Enzo laughed harder and mocked, "One more time."

Jenna froze and gave Enzo a hard look. "You are not being a good listener. Lorenzo, I asked you nicely to sit. I would hate to give Ric a bad report about you two when he gets home."

Jenna didn't want to pull the Ric card, but she was struggling. The boys didn't seem to listen to her half as well.

Damon turned sharply and knocked over his milk, "I didn't do anything!"

Jenna rushed to get a wad of paper towels and Sommer threw her toys back on the floor. The infant burst into tears and Jenna almost did, too. Nothing was easy today.

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