39. Missing the Bus

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Pairing: Kol/Kai (M/m) paint stick

Request fulfilled for kikimerio on Kol/Kai

Monday, May 15, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Elijah popped his head into his and Vanessa's quarters.

"Dear, Finn has something he wants to tell you," Elijah announced.

"Okay, I'm just packing," Vanessa replied. She put down the tank top she was holding and walked over to her son. She could tell he had been crying, as his eyes still looked swollen.

"M-Mom," Finn started haltingly.

"Yeah, baby? You okay?" Vanessa asked. She held his face in her hands and examined it.

He nodded, and then went on, "Daddy thinks I might be becoming a w-witch."

Vanessa was taken aback, "Really?" Vanessa looked at Elijah to confirm it.

"Yes, the whole reason he opened the lunch box is he could sense the frog was in distress. I'm going to take him to see Aunt Freya and maybe she can tell us more. I remember when Kol manifested his magic, it started with animals," Elijah recalled.

"But he is so young," Vanessa blurted out, staring at Finn. She kissed him on the head and pulled him into a hug.

"Can I go play?" Finn asked.

"Don't you have some apologies to attend to, mister? Why don't you go talk to Lukas and I'll catch up with you," Elijah said gently.

"Okayyyy," Finn said, reluctantly. He left to find his cousin.

"Elijah, his face is all swollen. He must have been crying his eyes out," Vanessa remarked.

Elijah sat on the bed and then reclined. "I'm afraid I had to use my belt on him. I couldn't get him to tell me what was going on."

"You what? Your belt? Was that necessary?" Vanessa snapped with a frown on her face. "He's just a little boy."

"My dear, I barely swatted him with it. It was about five licks over his underpants to make a point. I'm sorry I didn't discuss it with you first, but I knew he was lying about the bus incident...A part of me was concerned the 'old' Finn was coming back," Elijah admitted.

"The 'old' Finn? I don't understand," Vanessa added. She lay by Elijah and he drew her into a cuddle and stoked her brown, shoulder length hair.

"When Finn was our brother, he always seemed to resent the lot of us. I guess we took away mother's affection and attention from him. Of course, we didn't know about Freya, but Finn was vindictive at times. I guess he also protected us from father, in his own way, but sometimes he would get us in trouble. Looking back, Niklaus and Kol, especially had a knack for getting themselves in a pinch. Whereas I would have lied to protect them, even if it was only from mother's wooden spoon, Finn took pleasure in telling her the truth," Elijah explained.

"But isn't telling the truth what you were trying to get him to do?" Vanessa pushed.

"Yes, today, that is true. I'm not explaining this correctly. A thousand years ago, Finn was just not one of us, as children. He allied himself with mother and against us. I want our Finn to be one of the kids, to have that bond and love that the rest of us shared," Elijah went on.

"Always and forever," Vanessa said slowly.

"Yes, even right after we were made vampires, Finn wanted to split up. Maybe we should have let him, but a part of me wondered if he wouldn't have allied with Father to hunt Niklaus down. I couldn't trust him," Elijah said.

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