38. Too Big

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Prompt fulfilled for Jazmine F.

Pairing: Elijah/Finn (M/m) hand, belt

Giuseppe Salvatore/Damon (M/m) flashback, switch

Monday, May 15, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Elijah looked at Finn, "Now, tell me why in the world you popped open that lunch box. And you better answer honestly or you will get worse than my hand..."

Finn sniffed, "Lukas was being a jerk to me. He wrecked my Legos and I told him I was going to get him back. I knew something was in there that he didn't want me to find."

"So you were trying to get him in trouble?" Elijah prompted.

Finn flushed, it was true. He shrugged. It was harder to say things aloud, but that was exactly what happened.

"You can tell me," Elijah reassured him.

"No! You are just going to spank me!" Finn defended. He covered his bottom and moved back, suddenly panicking.

"I am trying to figure out why you were do this to your cousin. He was wrong to try to do the prank, but he is your family. We don't try to hurt our family members like that. I need you to understand that, Son," Elijah explained.

"Dad, just drop it. Lukas is the one who...needs his ass beat, not me," Finn shouted.

Elijah froze, "Where did you hear that kind of language?"

Finn scowled, "Duh, we live with a bunch of pissed off teenagers. Do you think I am deaf? They say whatever they want and they don't get in trouble. It's not fair."

"The older teens are not allowed to curse, young man. And neither are you and your brother and sister. Do you ever hear Mom or me curse? Hmm? Or yell?" Elijah spoke calmly, but he was clearly irritated.

Finn bristled, "No, but you are old. Dad, please, I won't do it again if Lukas doesn't mess with me."

"You have just convinced me, I have been too easy on you. You have no respect for authority and just do what you want. That is done with. We are going to Italy at the end of the week to show you and your siblings the world. You will not be misbehaving and retaliating on the trip. If you think someone wronged you and you can't deal with it, come and tell us. We will listen and help you, but you are not to be getting revenge," Elijah said clearly.

Finn started to cry, "Okay, I won't." He knew the talk part was wrapping up. "Daddy, I'm sorry."

"You are not yet," Elijah said. "Come here."

"No!" Finn shouted. "I don't wanna a spanking. I'm not old."

Elijah walked over to him, wanting to chuckle, but restraining himself. He wanted to say there was no such thing as "too old" for a Mikaelson. They were always careful not to use their vampire speed until it was an emergency, as it scared the children.

Elijah grabbed Finn's wrist and pulled him over to "the chair." It was a chair that usually housed a giant teddy, but also doubled as the chair Elijah sat on when he administered a rare spanking to his sons or nephews.

Elijah sat and pulled Finn over his lap and arranged him so his bottom was over his left knee. Finn fussed and begged for another chance, but Elijah ignored him. Swat!

Finn jerked and kicked up his feet. Swat. Finn tried to cover his rear with his feet.

"Stop it! You know better. I have about had it with your defiance today," Elijah chided. Swat! Swat! Swat!

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