14. The Book of Enoch

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No Pairing

Mikaelson Mansion

Wednesday, May 10, 2011

Klaus woke feeling guilty about leaving Camille this long. He opened his eyes from his nap with Erik and glanced at the clock. An hour. He had slept an hour. He looked down at the blond hybrid, who would be a boy forever, and kissed him on the head. Carefully, he extracted himself from the bed and grabbed the paddle from which it lay abandoned on the floor. Klaus hoped the ten swats he had given his son would help him remember to do the right thing next time. Erik could have taken much more, but he was a good boy who tried to do the right thing. He just needed a bit of an incentive, at times.

The house was oddly quiet as Klaus made his way down to his wife and tapped on the door before entering. But Klaus had made sure all the rooms were soundproofed, so that his Original vampire hearing would not be constantly tuned in to others' business. Of course, you learned to tune it out, but if he tried, he could hear a heartbeat from a hundred yards away.

"Camille?" Klaus called softly as he entered the darkened room. When he got no answer, he honed in and quickly listened for her. She was in the bed, but not sleeping. He vamped over despite the residual soreness in his seat.

"My love?" he said softly.

"Is he okay?" Cami asked, clearly asking about their youngest son.

"Erik? Of course. I'm sorry, luv, I fell asleep with him. I think we still need to talk to him, but he's alright," Klaus said, he leaned down and kissed her. "Can I bring you a tray?"

Cami rose and said, "No, let's go down and eat. I'm actually hungry, but I don't know what I want. Maybe everything? Hey, did you leave your phone? I thought I heard buzzing."

Klaus walked over to his side of the bed, "It's a number I don't recognize. Hello?.....Tyler? Why are you calling on this line? Oh, of course.....She what? I'll get Keelin. Can she make it to the clinic or here to the house?.....Okay, stay calm, Son. They will be okay."

Cami looked at Klaus with anxious eyes as he reported that Caroline was having labor pains.

"And Tyler didn't have his own phone because we took it...," Klaus finished, cursing himself for going against his instincts. "I should have just soaped his mouth and be done with it. He was so frantic, he couldn't recall my cell number. I need to call Keelin."

Cami got up and started to pull on her maternity clothes. As she did, she realized that none of them fit. She had gotten bigger, just today. And she was hungry, for meat.

And maybe blood?

Two Hours Later

Keelin took off her latex gloves and tossed them in the trash, "She's resting now."

Keelin told the assembled group of Sheriff Forbes, Tyler, Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Bonnie, and Elena that she thought Caroline was having braxton hicks contractions.

"But her water broke!" Elena announced.

Keelin shook her head, "No, dear, it didn't...."

Bonnie gasped, "Oh lord, please don't ever tell Caroline this. She'll never return to school."

Tyler ignored this, "But is she okay? The babies?"

"She's fine. But honey, she needs bedrest. I would like to keep her here for observation until her time comes. We'll need to hire a nurse to monitor her vitals and keep her hydrated. Caroline is strong, but the twins are growing faster than humans. And she is not a wolf, her body is not healing the way a wolf mother's would," Keelin explained gently.

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