52. Like Old Times

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Pairing: Elijah/Finn-Danny (M/mf) hand, belt (mild)

Klaus/Jeremy (M/m) hand, paddleball paddle

Prompt for Jazmine F. for Elijah and family-Klaus/Jeremy for Mafia (via fanfiction.net)

"Sons aspire to either become their father or vie to be his exact opposite."
― Kilroy J. Oldster

Klaus and Cami's Room

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Saturday, May 20, 2011

Early Morning

Klaus was up almost all night, he relieved the night nurse once and fed Ansel. Then, as he directed the woman to take a break, he rocked and sang him back to sleep. It was a song he recalled in old Norse. Had Ester once sung it to them? Perhaps he recalled their mother singing it to Rebekah or Henrik later?

Klaus watched Ansel sleep and then go back into bed by his beautiful wife's side. She was an angel to him, he smoothed back her blond locks and kissed her. She had been a deep sleeper, but since having the baby, had become a lighter sleeper.

"You're still awake?" Cami moaned. "Oh, Klaus."

"I'm sorry, my love. But today was the day Jeremy and his sister were going to do a memorial service on Wickery Bridge. The anniversary of their deaths is Tuesday," Klaus revealed.

Cami turned, "Honey, he could have killed himself. I know we don't like to yell at the kids, but he needs to know that is not okay. He still needs to be punished."

"But you said you thrashed his impudent bottom for him," Klaus argued.

"I smacked his bum over his pajama pants. I think my hand probably stung more than his butt. He's 15 years old. And that spanking was for him cutting himself down. You two need to come to an understanding. Also, when I was looking for Jeremy, Matt was really upset. Honey, I think he was crying, but he wouldn't open up to me. Erik admitted to drinking," Cami offered.

"I've let them drink alcohol before, for wolves and vampires, they metabolize it faster. We can still get intoxicated, but it requires a much larger amount than it would a human. I'm going to go put some laundry in and then go be there when Jeremy wakes up. You said, he is sleeping in Kol's quarters?" Klaus asked, getting up.

"Yes," Cami replied. "It's early. Go take a shower, that calms you down."

"Only if you will join me," Klaus grinned.

"Sure, it's been a while," Cami giggled. "You have all those shower heads, seems like a waste for just one person to use them."

"It may have been a bit much. I wonder how Elijah and the family are doing," Klaus said as he stripped down to his drawers.

"I don't know. I'm sure they will call today," Cami reassured him.

Rocco Forte Hotel De Russie

Rome, Italy

Vanessa had never stayed in such elegance before. She figured for $2500 a night that it should be pretty nice. Later, Elijah confessed that this hotel had gotten the best reviews for cleanliness, though it also boasted a good location and a swimming pool for the kids.

Henrik had already spilled grape juice on the silk bedspread and Danny was collecting all the hotel samples and storing them in her luggage as souvenirs for her cousins back home.

The family had spent the day sightseeing. Elijah had constructed a schedule with the kids:

8:30 AM: The Roman Forum.9:30 AM: The Colosseum.10:30 AM: Getting to the Vatican.4:00 PM: View of Castel Sant'Angelo.5:00 PM: The Pantheon.6:00 PM: The Trevi Fountain.7:00 PM: Piazza Navona and Dinner.9:00 PM: The Spanish Steps.

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