57. Finding Out

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Pairing: Ric/Elena (M/f) hand, paddle

Rebekah and Marcel's House

Mikaelson Compound

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Monday, May 22, 2011

Rebekah was carrying one triplet on her front wrapped in a piece of fabric.

"Hi girls, how's your summer going?" Rebekah asked from the doorway, cradling the baby.

"Good, Auntie Bex. How are the triplets?" Rachael asked. "She's so tiny."

"And hungry," Rebekah smiled. "Can you please tell my daughter that this place better get tidied up before her dad gets home? It seems she is not speaking to me this lovely Monday morning. Apparently, she thinks she shouldn't have to do anything all summer-." Rebekah was cut off by the baby fussing. She cooed at the baby and settled her.

"Ah, okay," Rachael said, she went and held the baby's hand. "Cute!"

"Thanks, she is cute, huh?" Rebekah said lovingly. "But I also love my little Davina. Sweetheart, I'm not trying to ruin your summer, but we have a lot to get ready..."

"I know, ...the wedding!" Davina snapped, forgetting her intention to get her mom the silent treatment. "Mom, can we have some privacy? I really don't want that kid drooling in here." Davina rolled her eyes and went over to shut the door. "Or barfing."

Dana and Rachael eyed each other, their moms would have never tolerated that kind of disrespect.

Rachael gushed, "Your mom is so cool. We'd never get away with that at our house."

"Yeah, really cool...Not only do I have to deal with three crying kids and an upcoming wedding, Tommy is freaking perfect. He's with my dad 'working', whatever the hell that means. All I asked for was a new summer wardrobe and they freak," Davina fumed. She looked through her walk-in closet and groaned aloud.

"What's wrong now?" Rachael asked, she had picked up a fashion magazine out of a big pile on the floor.

"Rachael, how much money do you moms give you for clothes?" Davina wondered.

"When we first got here, Dana and I were wearing rags. She had like two shirts and all of my clothes were pretty torn up, so we got a lot. But now, Mom says we have to use our allowance," Rachael replied. "But we got a lot for Christmas so I guess we're good."

Dana was looking through Davina's ipod absentmindedly. But she looked up briefly and watched Davina tossing clothes onto the floor in a big heap.

"Mama said we have too much and half of it is 'inappropriate,'" Dana sneered. "Whatever that means..."

"Oh my God, my dad says the same crap. I had to get rid of like half my clothes. Now I am left with this garbage. I need money. All this shit is so blah," Davina ranted. She slammed her walk-in closet door shut with a bang.

"But your mom has really cute stuff," Rachael said. "Isn't this her sweater?" Rachael held up a pink, fluffy agora sweater, draped over a nearby chair.

"Yeah, that thing had a $1900 price tag on it. She never wore it. But I'm shorter, or short-waisted, as mom says. Her dresses go down to my knees. Want to hear a secret?" Davina asked in a conspiratorial tone.

"Yeah, girl. Spill it," Dana said, perking up.

"Before they had like cameras and stuff, my mom never paid for a thing. I heard Uncle Elijah teasing her. She used to just compel the shop owners for anything she wanted. Isn't that amazing?" Davina breathed, thinking of all the stuff she could get. "Jewelry, clothes, bags, and even shoes!"

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