21. The Things You Do Not Know

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Pairing: Klaus/Jeremy (M/m) hand, ping pong paddle

Cami/Penny (F/f) hand, hairbrush

"Practice what you know, and it will help to make clear what now you do not know." -Rembrandt

Thursday, May 11, 2011

Mikaelson Mansion

Klaus' Study

Jeremy braced himself and knocked on the heavy door of his father's study.

Klaus called for him to come in and Jeremy pushed the door open.

Klaus was at the door in an instant, "Son! I've missed you so much. Have you seen your new brother yet? What's wrong?"

"Dad," Jeremy managed before he broke down.

"What is it?" Klaus asked as he enfolded Jeremy into his arms.

"Sorry, I just got in trouble with Uncle Elijah. I cursed and he overheard me," Jeremy said breaking down. "He was really, really mad."

Klaus led him over to the leather couch near the wall.

"Did he punish you?" Klaus asked stroking Jeremy's short brown hair.

"No, but he was going to paddle me right in the kitchen and Aunt Freya and Aunt Vanessa stopped him. They told me to come up here. Sorry, Dad," Jeremy sniffed.

"Shhh, just let me hold you. You gotten a swat or two in the kitchen before," Klaus replied.

"Yeah, but not with that huge paddle. He was going to make me pull down my pants," Jeremy whined.

"Strict old Uncle Elijah, eh? My brother has been on edge lately. Furthermore, he does not like cursing, just as I do not abide by smoking," Klaus said with a meaningful look.

"Dad, it was stupid. I was looking for something in Elena's desk and I found them. I guess they were Bonnie's or something. But I was in my old room and bored and...," Jeremy started. "I lit it up and took like one puff and Uncle Ric was there yelling at me. I just felt like..."

"What, son? You can tell me," Klaus said, he patted Jeremy's arm and nodded.

"I guess I was just lonely. I missed you guys. Are you mad at me?" Jeremy pressed.

"I'm never angry with you. Sometimes I don't like your actions, especially when they could harm you or others, but my love for you is unconditional. Nothing you can do would spoil it," Klaus went on. "Nothing."

"What if I said the New Orleans Saints suck?" Jeremy joked.

"They may do well next year! But you know your Uncle Kol is the sport fan. Now if you said Rembrant couldn't paint a self-portrait or something like that, I may take offense. Now, are you in a state to talk about this? Your misbehavior at Ric and Jenna's? Or do you want me to call your uncle up here and we will speak about your cursing and him scaring the wits out of you?" Klaus inquired.

"Uncle Elijah was going to use that big paddle on me!" Jeremy spouted. "That one on the top of the frig! That thing is scary."

"Oddly enough, I think that thing was from Ric. You know I find that a lighter, smaller bat does an equally effective job," Klaus got up and took the ping pong paddle out of his desk.

Jeremy grimaced and folded his arms across his chest. "Those sting."

"You know your uncle would never hurt you, right? I will speak to him, if you like. But right now, I want to focus on making sure you never pick up nicotine again. Ric was not very happy with you," Klaus said, coming back to the couch.

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