74. Sex in the Pool House

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Pairing: Kol/Connor (M/m) hand

"The difference between sex and love is that sex relieves tension and love causes it."
― Woody Allen

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Saturday, May 27, 2011

"80 seconds!" Penny shouted with glee as Connor set her back on the ground on the floor to Klaus and Cami's suite. He had raced upstairs with her on his back.

"It weren't no 80 seconds," Connor laughed. "Girl, you best learn your numbers better. It was like 15!" He tickled Penny's midsection and then they both paused.

"What's wrong, Penny? You look almost sick," Connor said. "Did I go too fast?"

Penny looked up at Connor dolefully. She whispered, "I told Mommy I hated her. And there's more."

Connor leaned down and looked at his something mean, but beautiful little sister. She was only ten, but could have played Snow White in a Hollywood movie.

"Look, Mom ain't going to believe that. But what else did ya say?"

"I said that....I hoped she dies! Connor, what if she does die?" Penny asked with tears welling in her deep blue eyes.

Connor reached over and put his large hand on her delicate shoulder.

"Penny, it don't work that way. You can't make a thing happen just by saying it," Connor explained gently. "She ain't gonna die."

"But Henrik and Finn can make stuff happen now with words...," Penny explained. "They can burn a left right in the air now."

"Yeah, but they are witches. That is different. Ya know, magic. We are wolves. Ain't no one around here gonna die. But I know you got a lickin' from Daddy already. It sounds like you deserved it, if you don't mind me saying," Connor grinned.

"Yeah. So Mom isn't going to be mad?" Penny pressed. "Because Dad paddled me hard. The worst I ever got, even after I told Aunt Freya to shut up a long time ago. She forgave me, but maybe Mom will still be mad."

Connor lifted up his younger sister again in his strong arms. "No, she ain't. You know her. Just say you're sorry. I know you ain't gonna do it again. Or I'll spank you myself." Connor grinned to show her he was joking.

"Then, I'll tell Daddy and you will be in so much trouble!" Penny promised. "Take me in the the bedroom, please!"

"Yes, ma'am. But be quiet. Ansel might be sleeping," Connor cautioned.

The pair knocked on their parents' door and when there was no response, Connor cracked the door open. They found Cami coming out of the attached nursery. She smiled and put her finger on her mouth.

"I just got him down-again," Cami said.

Connor put down Penny in front of Cami and said he had work to do. In reality, Angela was on her way over. She said she wanted to swim. He patted Penny on the head and whispered, "Good luck" before leaving.

Cami looked at Penny and opened her arms. The smaller girl rushed into her arms.

"Sorry," Penny uttered before a rush of truths spilled out.

Cami laughed lightly. "I should have known that spanking didn't hurt. But I'm not mad, honey. I do want you to talk to Danny, though. I think she's one of your best friends and you need to treat her right."

"I'm afraid that she won't like me anymore," Penny admitted as Cami rubbed her arms.

"She'll forgive you. You know my brother Sean and I used to fight and do pranks on each other all the time. Sometimes we get each other in trouble and tried to not speak. It never really held. In the end, we were best friends and worst enemies," Cami recalled. "Just tell her the truth."

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