62. The Doppelgänger's Dilemma

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Pairing: Kol/Silas (M/m) hand [Off-screen] Klaus/Jeremy (M/m) hand, paddle

Thank you to Jazmine F. for Silas' doppelgänger backstory

Mikaelson Mansion

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Tuesday, May 23,2011

"Oh, hi Stefan. Jeremy, you left before I woke up, " Klaus said, from the kitchen when Jeremy and Silas walked in. Klaus stopped and stared at the boys. Jeremy's throat caught, "Uh..."

Klaus said, "You're not Stefan Salvatore..."

Jeremy exhaled with relief. Klaus shot him a curious glance.

"Dad, this actually Silas. Stefan's doppelgänger," Jeremy started.

Klaus nodded, "Of course. Ric has mentioned you. Welcome to our home."

Klaus extended his hand politely.

Silas shook hands with Klaus and asked, "But how did you know I wasn't Stefan?"

"I could smell you," Klaus admitted. "I'm sure you know what I am by now. Every being has a distinct smell, heart rate, way of walking differently. I've known Stefan Salvatore since Chicago in the 1920s...and of course, the hair."

Silas exclaimed, "Yep, his hair is impossible to replicate. And believe me, I've tried!"

Jeremy laughed. "Dad, we're going to head over to Uncle Kol's. Aaron wanted to show me his new guitar."

"Oh, that electric monstrosity that Georgie talked my brother into buying for Aaron? Have at it, lads," Klaus said, moving aside to let the boys out the back door.

Silas was still awed by the compound and it's newly renovated back yard area.

"Wow, is that a little castle? And a tree house. Whoa, that's your pool!" Silas gushed.

Jeremy told him how Connor and him had designed the castle play house and worked on the tree house.

"It even has electricity. We used to party in it at night," Jeremy smirked.

"Awesome," Silas breathed. They were coming up near the guest house, which in itself was larger than any home Silas ever lived in.

"But then my Uncle caught some of my cousins and brothers there. I think they got their asses handed to them that night. Glad I sat that one out," Jeremy cackled.

"Your dad seems real nice," Silas commented.

Jeremy agreed, "Yeah, he's cool. But honestly, he's pretty strict about some stuff like swearing, lying, and shit like that. He's not afraid to lay down the law."

Silas grimaced, "My old foster mother was a real bitch. She was always hitting me and telling me I was no good. I, ah, think Stefan ate her."

Jeremy stopped in his tracks, "Ate her? Are you serious? He probably just compelled her not to be an asshole and to never come back here."

"Yeah, maybe," Silas said, unconvinced. "Your aunt and uncle have been real nice to me. But I feel like I'm putting them out. They have those twins, the two boys, and your sister, Bonnie, and Stefan. I mean, I feel like I should get on my way before they have to throw me out."

Jeremy reached out, "Hey, man. They would never throw you out. Seriously. And if you ever need a place to stay, you can come here. As you can see, we have plenty of room, okay?"

Silas was touched, he croaked out, "Yeah, thanks, man. Please don't say that I even brought it up."

"I won't," Jeremy said. "Come on, come meet Uncle Kol. They say he used to be the wildest Mikaelson, but he's pretty tame now..."

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