23. Crisis Mode

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No pairing

"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-ey'd monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on." ― William Shakespeare, Othello

Friday, May 12, 2011

After Lunch

Alaric's History Class

Davina shifted in her seat and felt the warmth still there from last night's spanking. She blushed and chewed on the eraser part of her pencil until the girl beside her was staring. Kol had tried to act all like uncle-like but she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking when he saw her pink lace panties. She knew what he liked. She blushed again and looked down.

"Are you blushing?" the boy beside her asked.

"Excuse me?" Davina replied. She looked at the boy, he had curly brown hair and a button down plaid shirt in tones of red.

"Sorry, it's just that you look like you are thinking about something," the boy said, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, I was just thinking about how I hate writing reports," Davina covered.

"Yeah, it sucks. I heard Mr. Saltzman was here earlier and then had to leave suddenly. I think the sub is asleep," the boy joked.

Davina looked up and giggled. He was right. The elderly woman seemed to be dozing, slumped over her newspaper. "She looks 90."

"Yeah, hey, I'm Tim," the boy said, holding out his hand.

"Hi Tim, I'm Davina. I just moved her-again. Are you new, too?" Davina asked.

"Yeah, I used to go to private school, but my dad lost his job so...Here I am," Tim said, extending his arms.

"Sucks, huh," Davina remarked.

"They don't even have a violin program here! And the kids smoke dope right outside the school. I saw a fight in the locker room...," Tim reported in horror.

"You play the violin? I'd love to hear you play," Davina smiled.

"You should come over my house," Tim said. "Well, our new house. It's pretty, um, modest, but my mom would be thrilled if I had a friend over."

Davina smirked, "Actually, Tim. I was thinking you should come over to my house. I actually live in a mansion."

If Kol wanted to play games, then two could play. Things with Kaleb had fallen through. He finally confessed that he was gay and had a new boyfriend in New Orleans. So much for him making Kol jealous, though at first, she had really liked Kaleb as a boyfriend. Now, he was just another friend, though not as good as a friend as Josh. Josh! She needed him here to tell her Kol was too old and that she should find a witch or human...But she didn't want anyone else. She wanted Kol, even though he had spanked her last night. She knew he only did that because she begged him too.

"Let me ask my parents, though. I just got through a big fight with them and we finally made up this morning. Let me give you my number and maybe sometime this weekend you can stop by?" Davina purred. She tossed back her glossy brown hair and turned her heart shaped face to grin at him.

"Sounds great. I'll bring my violin," Tim enthused. Maybe Mystic Falls High School wasn't so bad.


Fifth Hour

Tyler hated that Connor was now at the vo-tech half a day. Sometimes he was gone mornings and sometimes afternoons. It rotated, but Tyler wanted to talk about last night. They had someone managed to get into bed, on their stomachs, without the rest of the guys guessing what happened.

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