99. The Other Side

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No pairing

Mystic Falls, Virginia

Mikaelson Mansion

Friday, June 17, 2011


"Gently, boys," Jenna said. "Yeah, like that."

She was feeding the twins with Vanessa's help in the kitchen and keeping an eye on Damon and Enzo. They couldn't get over Sadie and wanted to play with her 24/7.

"Can we take her home?" Damon asked, as Sadie licked his face. He laughed.

Vanessa giggled, too. "You know, Elijah is not an animal person, but he has grown to love that dog like crazy. Sorry, boys, but you are welcome to visit her anytime."

Henrik also chimed in, "Yeah, she's our dog. But maybe you guys can stay?"
Enzo squinted at the dark haired boy who had become their playmate.

"But we have a house? Right, Mom?" Enzo inquired, looking at Jenna in confusion.

"Right, kiddo. It's just now it's not safe for us to go back. Plus, I am enjoying the air conditioning and pool here," Jenna admitted, wiping Sommer's face. "And you guys have been so great with the kids. Really, I can't thank you all enough, Vanessa."

"Don't mention it. Everyone here pitches in. It's funny in my human life, I never expected to have kids. And now, look," Vanessa said as she put more mashed potatoes on Grayson's place.

"Oh, I'm surprised, do you mind if I ask why?" Jenna wondered.

"Oh sure. I actually had a fatal heart condition. There was nothing that I could do. I had already exceeded my life expectancy, so weirdly, being a vampire saved my life," Vanessa shared. "And I came here and never really left."

"Oh wow, I had no idea," Jenna smiled.

"Yeah, it's crazy. Ready for the pool guys?" Vanessa asked the kids. They were already in their swimsuit and had been coated in sunscreen.

"Listen to Vanessa out there and no roughhousing. Damon, Enzo, did you hear me?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, mom," Damon and Enzo said dutifully. Vanessa and the kids went outside while Sadie followed, waging her tail.

Ric came in from the dining room. They had turned it into a makeshift war room to work on a plan to fish out the Travelers and Nicole.

"Hey, there you guys are? Is it just me or are the twins doubling in size?" Ric mused.

Jenna laughed and took Sommer out of her high chair.

"Yep, they are growing fast. How'd it go in there?" Jenna said, nodding toward the dining room.

"Good. It's a pretty simple plan. Make it look like the compound is wide open while laying trays for the Travelers to fall into. My friend Dorian, at Whitmore, knew someone who know how to make a Traveler blade. If any of the caterers or like the d.j. has a passenger, they can be tested and then healed by a vampire. The key is to get this witch Nicole and bring her down without giving the rest of the group more power. Where are the boys?" Ric finished.

"Vanessa just took them out to swim. She's great. And the boys wanted to take Sadie home," Jenna said with a laugh.

"No, no dog. We don't need one more thing to worry about. Good news is, though, that we will have the air in by the time we get home," Ric stated.

"But Ric, the money?" Jenna prompted, handing him Sommer so she could take Grayson out of his high chair.

"Hey baby," Ric said. "Um, Elijah showed me how to access Damon's accounts. I'm not going to quit teaching but there is more than enough to maintain the house and property for a long time. Not really sure how Damon got that, maybe it from the father's property? Don't really want to know."

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